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Add action for only certain players ?

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How to make a add action that shows up for certain players on a list within a certain distance to a marker that moves often?

if ((getPlayerUID _player) in call compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "CommandStaffList.sqf") then this addAction["Command System", " CommandStaffmenu.sqf"


So it pulls the UID from an array in the list file then I want only those ID's to have this add action in for example 20 meters of an object named Mobile Command Center? would this work?

Edit: had more coffee nothing is springing to mind


Also would it be possible to do make it add to the array from an  external file?


#include "script_component.hpp"
if !(isServer) exitWith {};
LOG("Loading external command list");
//This is the path to external storage folder(folder should be in the root of arma3 folder).
externalConfigFolder = "\commandstaff\";
private _mList = [];

LOG_1("isFilePatchingEnabled: %1", isFilePatchingEnabled);
if(isFilePatchingEnabled) then {
    private _commandList = loadFile (externalConfigFolder + "\commandlist.txt");
    if ( _commandList != "" ) then
        _cList = _commandList splitString toString [13,10];
        LOG_1("External content from %1",externalConfigFolder + "\commandlist.txt");

    private _commandID = (_x splitString ", ") select 0;
    LOG_1("add commandID: %1", _commandID);
    commandPool pushBackUnique _commandID;
} forEach _cList;
publicVariable "commandPool";




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