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Broken PhysX File

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Hi, I'm making an armored vehicle right now, my car is drifting , I'm guessing that my vehicle has a physx problem. Can you take a look?



		/// splendid tutorial by RedPhoenix could be found at 
		/// http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?165390-Tutorial-Creating-Custom-Engine-Gearbox-and-Suspension-Vehicle-configuration
		thrustDelay            	= 0.2; 		/// initial delay to cause lesser slip when on 1st gear - thrust goes from zero to full in this time
		brakeIdleSpeed         	= 1.78; 	/// under what speed (in m/s) does the brake apply for a vehicle without thrust
		maxSpeed               	= 110; 		/// vehicle can go a bit over, but dramatically decreases thrust
		fuelCapacity           	= 45; 
		wheelCircumference     	= 2.277; 	/// diameter of 725

		antiRollbarForceCoef	= 0.5; 	/// how strong is the anti-roll bar of vehicle preventing it to lose grip in turns (not any magical stuff, real ARB)
		antiRollbarForceLimit	= 0.5; 	/// highest possible force of ARB
		antiRollbarSpeedMin 	= 20; 	/// the roll bar force gets from zero to full in range of min and max speed
		antiRollbarSpeedMax		= 80;  	/// this simulates losing grip at high speed turns

		/// Gearbox and transmission  via PhysX
		idleRpm = 900; // RPM at which the engine idles.
		redRpm = 6900; // RPM at which the engine redlines.

		class complexGearbox
			GearboxRatios[]    = {"R1",-3.231,"N",0,"D1",2.462,"D2",1.870,"D3",1.241,"D4",0.970,"D5",0.711};
			TransmissionRatios[] = {"High",4.111}; // Optional: defines transmission ratios (for example, High and Low range as commonly found in offroad vehicles)
			gearBoxMode        = "auto"; //gearbox can be of type: full-auto (only requires 'W' or 'S'), auto (requires shift between drive and reverse), semi-auto, manual
			moveOffGear        = 1; // defines what gear an automatic or semi-automatic gearbox will move off from stationary in. 1 by default.
			driveString        = "D"; // string to display in the HUD for forward gears.
			neutralString      = "N"; // string to display in the HUD for neutral gear.
			reverseString      = "R"; // string to display in the HUD for reverse gears.

		/// PhysX parameters
		// <Description>: Defines simulation type of the vehicle. PhysX simulation ends with letter "x", "carx", "tankx" ...
		// <Type>: string
		// <Default>: (required)
		simulation = "carx";

		// <Description>: Defines how much dampers react to random little bumps on surface. It's only visual effect, doesn't influence drive simulation,
		// only taken into account when calculating damper animation.
		// <Type>: float
		// <Default>: 0.0
		dampersBumpCoef = 0.05;

		// Differential parameters
		// <Description>: A number of differential types are supported: 4-wheel drive with open differential, 4-wheel drive with limited slip, front-wheel drive 
		// with open differential, front-wheel drive with limited slip, rear-wheel drive with open differential, rear-wheel drive with limited slip.
		// <Type>: string; acceptable values: "all_open", "all_limited", "front_open", "front_limited", "rear_open", "rear_limited"
		// <Default>: "all_limited"
		differentialType = "all_open";
		// <Description>: Ratio of engine power that goes to front wheels out of total power for 4-wheel drive differentials. 
		// Choosing a value greater than 0.5 delivers more torque to the front wheels, while choosing a value less than 0.5 
		// delivers more torque to the rear wheels. This value is ignored for front-wheel drive and rear-wheel drive differentials.
		// <Type>: float
		// <Default>: 0.5
		frontRearSplit = 0.5;
		// <Description>: This is the largest possible relative difference between speed of front wheels. It helps to have outside wheels a bit faster
		// during the turns, but it prevents the faster wheel to take all the power while sliding. The power is shifted to slower wheel once the value is reached.
		// Locked differential has value of 1, the softer is the lock the greater should the value be.
		// This value is ignored except for front-wheel drive or four wheel drive with limited slip.
		// A good starting value is around 1.3.
		// <Type>: 
		// <Default>: 
		frontBias = 1.5;
		// <Description>: This is similar to frontBias except that it refers to the rear wheels.
		// This value is ignored except for rear-wheel drive or four wheel drive with limited slip.
		// A good starting value is around 1.3.
		// <Type>: float
		// <Default>: 1.3
		rearBias = 1.3;
		// <Description>: This value is similar to the frontBias and rearBias, except that it refers to the sum of the front wheel rotation speeds and the sum 
		// of the rear wheel rotation speeds.
		// This value is ignored except for four wheel drive with limited slip.
		// A good starting value is around 1.3.
		// <Type>: float
		// <Default>: 1.3
		centreBias = 1.3;
		// <Description>: How fast is engine power distributed to the wheels. Stronger values mean more aggressive drive performance inclining to
		// slip a little while changing gears while weaker values are better for comfortable seamless ride.
		// <Type>: float
		// <Default>: 10.0
		clutchStrength = 15.0;
		// Engine parameters
		// <Description>: Power of the engine in kW.
		// <Type>: float
		// <Default>: (required)
		enginePower = 40; 

		// <Description>: This is the maximum rotational speed of the engine expressed in radians per second. It could be calculated from maximum 
		// engine RPM like this: 
		// maxOmega = (maxRpm*2*Pi)/60.
		// <Type>: float
		// <Default>: 600 which is cca 6000 rounds per minute.
		maxOmega = 720;

		// <Description>: This is the maximum torque that is ever available from the engine. This is expressed in Newton metres. 
		// <Type>: float
		// <Default>: value calculated from enginePower according to http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Horsepower#Relationship_with_torque
		peakTorque = 350;
		// <Description>: These three values describe internal damping of the engine. Bigger values mean greater damping. Clutch disengaged value 
		// is used while shifting gears, engine interpolates between clutch engaged and full throttle values according to throttle input.
		// We tend to use slightly lower clutch engaged values because it allows cars to turn more smoothly.
		// Typical values in range (0.25,3). The simulation can become unstable with damping rates of 0.
		// <Type>: float, float, float
		// <Default>: 0.08, 2.0, 0.35
		dampingRateFullThrottle = 0.08;
		dampingRateZeroThrottleClutchEngaged = 0.35;
		dampingRateZeroThrottleClutchDisengaged = 0.35;		

		// <Description>: This is a graph of peak torque versus engine rotational speed.
		// The x-axis of the curve is the relative engine speed; that is, the engine speed divided by the maximum engine speed. The y-axis of the curve is a 
		// multiplier in range (0,1) that is used to scale the peak torque. It is good to keep the values in mind while setting changeGearMinEffectivity.
		// <Type>: Array[i][2] where i = number of samples, maximum 8;
		// <Default>: {{0.0, 0.8}, {0.33, 1.0}, {1.0, 0.8}}
		torqueCurve[] = {{0.000, 0.000}, {0.178, 0.800}, {0.250, 1.0}, {0.461, 0.900}, {0.900, 0.800}, {1.000, 0.300}};

		// Gearbox parameters
		// <Description>: Value of minimal gear effectivity to hold current gear. If there is better gear and effectivity is below this value then change gear.
		// <Range>: (0,1)
		// <Type>: Array[i] where i = number of gears
		// <Default>: 0.95 for every value (Neutral = 0.15 Not sure how important this is but we want to kick out of neutral very quickly)
		changeGearMinEffectivity[]   = {0.95, 0.15, 0.95, 0.95, 0.95, 0.95, 0.95};
		// <Description>: The switch time describes how long it takes (in seconds) for a gear change to be completed. This needs to be set to aggresive shifting
		// or it would cause issues while trying to run aggressively (mainly during evading the enemies).
		// <Type>: float
		// <Default>: 0.01
		switchTime = 0.31;
		// <Description>: Set the latency time of the gearbox, specified in s.
		// This is used to prevent instant shifting after changing gears - there is some power loss during gear change and it could seem that
		// previous gear is better for a brief time after shifting.
		// <Type>: float
		// <Default>: 2.0
		latency = 1.0;
		// Wheels parameters
		class Wheels
			class LF
				// General parameters
				// <Description>: Name of the bone, used for wheel and suspension animations.
				// <Type>: string
				// <Default>: ""
				boneName = "wheel_1_1_damper";

				// <Description>: If true, wheel is steerable, false - wheel is fixed.
				// <Type>: bool
				// <Default>: (required)
				steering = true;
				// <Description>: Defines if wheel is on the right or left side of the vehicle
				// <Type>: string
				// <Default>: "right"
				side = "left";
				// Wheel PX parameters
				// <Description>: Center of the wheel (axis)
				// <Type>: memory point
				// <Default>: (required)
				center   = "wheel_1_1_axis";

				// <Description>: Point on the outside rim of the tire, used to calculate radius of the wheel (distance between center and boundary).
				// <Type>: memory point
				// <Default>: (required)
				boundary = "wheel_1_1_bound";

				// <Description>: This is the weight in kg of wheel including both rim and tyre.
				// <Type>: float
				// <Default>: 10.0
				mass = 40;

				// <Description>: This is the wheel's moment of inertia about the rolling axis. Smaller values result in more slips in aggresive driving
				// while larger hamper the gain of speed. Good base to start with is this formula:
				// MOI = 0.5 * Mass * Radius * Radius
				// Some tweaking is needed after the computation, but it is still better than nothing.
				// <Type>: float
				// <Default>: 0.5 * WheelMass * WheelRadius * WheelRadius
				MOI = 3.3;

				// <Description>:The damping rate describes the rate at which a freely spinning wheel loses rotational speed. 
				// Values in range (0.25, 2) seem like sensible values. Experimentation is always a good idea, even outside this range.
				// <Type>: float
				// <Default>: 0.1
				dampingRate = 0.5;
				// <Description>: This is the value of the torque applied to the wheel when the brakes are maximally applied. Higher torques will lock the wheel 
				// quicker when braking, while lower torques will take longer to lock the wheel.
				// A value of around 1500 is a good starting point for a vanilla wheel but a google search will reveal typical braking torques. One difficulty is 
				// that these are often expressed by manufacturers as braking horsepower or in "pounds inches". The values required here are in "Newton metres".
				// <Type>: float
				// <Default>: 2500
				maxBrakeTorque = 2500;
				// <Description>: This is the same as the max brake torque except for the handbrake rather than the brake. Typically, for a 4-wheeled car, 
				// the handbrake is stronger than the brake and is only applied to the rear wheels. A value of 4000 for the rear wheels is a good starting point, 
				// while a value of 0 is necessary for the front wheels to make sure they do not react to the handbrake.
				// <Type>: float
				// <Default>: 2*maxBrakeTorque
				maxHandBrakeTorque = 1;

				// Wheel simulation parameters
				// <Description>: This is the direction of the suspension in the downward direction in the rest configuration of the vehicle. A vector that 
				// points straight downwards is a good starting point.
				// <Type>: Array[3]
				// <Default>: {0, -1, 0}
				suspTravelDirection[] = {0, -1, 0};
				// <Description>: This is the application point of the suspension force.
				// <Type>: memory point
				// <Default>: center
				suspForceAppPointOffset = "wheel_1_1_axis";

				// <Description>: This is almost the same as the suspension force app point except for the lateral and longitudinal forces that develop on the tire.
				// A good starting point is to duplicate the suspension force application point.
				// <Type>: memory point
				// <Default>: suspForceAppPointOffset
				tireForceAppPointOffset = "wheel_1_1_axis";
				// Suspension parameters
				// <Description>: These values describe the maximum compression and elongation in metres that the spring can support.
				// <Type>: float
				// <Default>: 0.15
				maxCompression = 0.1;
				mMaxDroop = 0.15;
				// <Description>: This is the mass in kg that is supported by the suspension spring.
				// <Type>: float
				// <Default>: vehicleMass/numberOfWheels
				sprungMass = 350.0;
				// <Description>: This is the strength of the suspension spring in Newtons per metre.
				//   springStrength = naturalFrequency * naturalFrequency * sprungMass
				// <Type>: float
				// <Default>: sprungMass*5,0*5,0
				springStrength = 22600;

				// <Description>: This describes the rate at which the spring dissipates the energy stored in the spring.
				// Basic equiation for this is
				//  springDamperRate = dampingRatio * 2 * sqrt(springStrength * sprungMass)
				// where dampingRatio = 1 mean critical damping (critically damped pendulum should get back to start point in every swing)
				// <Type>: float
				// <Default>: 0,4*2*sqrt(springStrength*sprungMass)
				springDamperRate = 8680;
				// Tire parameters
				// <Description>: Increasing this value will result in the tire attempting to generate more longitudinal force when the tire is slipping.  
				// Typically, increasing longitudinal stiffness will help the car accelerate and brake. The total tire force available is limited by the 
				// load on the tire so be aware that increases in this value might have no effect or even come at the expense of reduced lateral force.
				// <Type>: float 
				// <Default>: 10000
				longitudinalStiffnessPerUnitGravity = 10000;

				// <Description>: These values together describe the lateral stiffness per unit lateral slip (in radians) of the tire.
				// <Type>: float, float
				// <Default>: 25, 180
				latStiffX = 25;
				latStiffY = 18000;

				// <Description>: These six values describe a graph of friction as a function of longitudinal slip. 
				// A good starting point for this is a flat graph of friction vs slip with these values:
				// frictionVsSlipGraph[0][0]=0.0
				// frictionVsSlipGraph[0][1]=1.0
				// frictionVsSlipGraph[1][0]=0.5
				// frictionVsSlipGraph[1][1]=1.0
				// frictionVsSlipGraph[2][0]=1.0
				// frictionVsSlipGraph[2][1]=1.0
				// <Type>: Array[3][2]
				// <Default>: {{0, 1}, {0.5, 1}, {1,1}}
				frictionVsSlipGraph[] = {{0, 1}, {0.5, 1}, {1,1}};
			class LR: LF
				boneName = "wheel_1_2_damper";
				steering = false;
				center   = "wheel_1_2_axis";
				boundary = "wheel_1_2_bound";
				suspForceAppPointOffset = "wheel_1_2_axis";
				tireForceAppPointOffset = "wheel_1_2_axis";
				maxHandBrakeTorque = 3000;
				latStiffY = 180;	
				sprungMass = 190.0;
				springStrength = 4750;
				springDamperRate = 1760;				
			class RF: LF
				boneName = "wheel_2_1_damper";
				center   = "wheel_2_1_axis";
				boundary = "wheel_2_1_bound";
				suspForceAppPointOffset = "wheel_2_1_axis";
				tireForceAppPointOffset = "wheel_2_1_axis";
				steering = true;
				side = "right";
			class RR: RF
				boneName = "wheel_2_2_damper";
				steering = false;
				center   = "wheel_2_2_axis";
				boundary = "wheel_2_2_bound";
				suspForceAppPointOffset = "wheel_2_2_axis";
				tireForceAppPointOffset = "wheel_2_2_axis";
				maxHandBrakeTorque = 3000;
				latStiffY = 180;				
				sprungMass = 190.0;
				springStrength = 4750;
				springDamperRate = 1760;					



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best join the arma discord and reach out in the configs channel

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