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Jordan Gates

This game looks great but...

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I've tried to give it a chance and have progressed to shelter level 4 but the combat interactions have me steaming. Any time I engage with someone, my gun either stops shooting, or won't fire at all in close quarters. i.e. I was waiting on vault and had a shotgun at the guys face when he runs in but the gun won't fire. I just can't understand it. The devs need to fix this or idk if i can handle this game anymore. Please. 


Edit: I know it sounds harsh but i really do like this game. It has the potential to be great. I have played games such as cod 2, Counter strike and pubg more recently and based on Arma, I know what you guys can accomplish. 

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I've had severall times the same Problem, and I would like to know wherer your Servers are. It feels like they are in the Middle-East anywhere in Karachi where bombs exlode and every 15 minutes the server gets huge Lags... Fights are laggy as hell, and the one who's near the server wins.... wtf...

I pay 20 $ for this, so please could you get some better Servers ? Or can I get you a better server located in Frankfurt, Germany ? This is poor, there are enough player that need a better server. Even if its a Preview its a lot of fun, and the game mechanics are pretty cool and way better than PUBG (where your FPS does the recoil, 72PFS good shooting, 70FPS bad shooting) but your game is from the Start on a way better game, so please don't get me wrong, and get better servers....

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Thank you for letting us know about those issues. We are already working on those as they were mentioned multiple times in our community. Sorry for any inconveniences this might have brought. 
Hope this helped. 

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