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Triggering a BIS Revive through script

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Hey guys, I've spent the last hour pouring over the vanilla revive systems functions and .inc files trying (and failing) to figure out how to trigger a revive through a function call instead of the boring old hold action.


What I'm looking for is something akin to this

player call fnc_reviveUnit

which I can call or remoteExec from the server and/or client (I'm not picky) and it will handle all player states "automagically". The problem here being of course the contents of fnc_reviveUnit and that it needs to play nicely with the rest of the revive system.

I haven't found any inbuilt functionality and I'm too tired to wrap my head around the rest of it tonight. If someone has some tips or something similar already set up I'd cherish your help. Otherwise I will give it another crack when my brain consists of something other than mush.


P.S. Yes, I'm aware there are other revive scripts out there that can do this. No, I'm not changing to one of those. Why? Polish, consistency, ease-of-use, I'm grumpy and stubborn... take your pick.

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Yep, that did the trick. I remember looking at that too but tired eyes are blind eyes. Cheers!

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