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Machinegun Joe

Help! Mission SQM lost

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Hello Guys,

currently im working on a mission project and yesterday I wanted to open it in Editor...Instead of clicking open, i clicked save and overwrote the mission with an empty template. (yes I know that I am completely stupid but it was just clicking routine with no attention) At first I was shocked bc I spent many hours on this mission.
After short shock I realized that I played the mission the day before with a friend on local server, so i probably could get back the mission sqm from him. I asked him to search for the mission folder in his mpmissions but he didnt find it. He checked all the folders I told him but t my missionseems not inside. He checked following folders:
C:\Users\<username>\AppData\Local\Arma 3
C:\Users\User\AppData\Local\Arma 3\MPMissionsCache
C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\workshop\downloads

It seems that the mission is not there...Now im getting a little bit nervous...I know that the file must be somewhere bc we played it together before but where could it be else?
Does someone know how to get this back?

If you want to see parts of the mission check this link: https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198119347541/screenshots/

Thx in advance I really hope someone can help us out <3



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Have you ever saved to Single Player or saved to Multi-Player?  If so, you should have a PBO file for your mission in your playable MP or SP folders.   You can then use an UNPBO tool to unpack the mission to restore to your editor mission directories.


Perhaps your friend has the PBO in his MP mission directory also.


Good luck dude.  Losing hours of work ain't no fun!

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Hello johnnyboy,


it seems its only saved in MP...I dont understand why my friend cant find the mission in his folders...Does he maybe need pbo manager to see sqm file?
I just need the mission SQM and all is good :/
Thx for your fast reply and yes its very annoying that this happend...

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The SQM is the source file for your mission in the Editor.  If you named your mission myMission, then you would have a folder called myMission in your Editor missions directory.  Inside that folder would be your mission.sqm file (I'm sure you know this if you were editing your mission sqm).


From the editor, when you save to MP, all the mission files in the myMission folder (including the mission.sqm) are packed into a file called myMission.PBO, and stored in your MP missions directory.  On my Windows 10 machine, this is where MP .pbos are stored:


C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Arma 3\MPMissions


If you see your PBO file in that directory, you can unpack the PBO to get your mission.sqm back.  Google for "Arma 3 unpbo" to find tools to unpack it.


If your friend got your mission from Steam, he might find the PBO here:


C:\Users\Administrator\Documents\Arma 3 - Other Profiles\John\Saved\steamMPMission


And you can have your friend search his hard drive for the myMission.pbo file (replacing "myMission" with your mission name first of course).


Good luck.



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