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Ive searched the boards for Alarms but am still a little Confused!!

What I want is some sentry posts that if attacked set off an alrm in a base (but want the alarm delayed by 5 secs to allow you to kill the sentries)

If the alarm goes off then base units move to that location to support their comrades and go into combat mode and search!

if Alarm stops the men go back to the base and assume the safe behaviour

how can i do this with triggers and not scripts??

Also is there a way to get a vulcan gun to shoot at an game logic as to simulate it firing at aircraft that cant be seen??

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Use a trigger set for West detected by East, or whoever are the ones on sentry as East in this case. When the East units become aware of the West units, such as in the case of being attacked, the trigger would go off. In the effects option of the trigger, have it play an alarm. In the trigger's On Activation field, put something like attacked=true, you can use whatever name you want.

Now, on the guards' waypoints that you want to show up after the alarm, in their Condition field you would put "attacked" or whatever name you used for the value in the trigger. In the timeout fields, put 5 in each of the three fields. This makes them wait for the condition "attacked" to be true, then wait 5 seconds, then the waypoint goes off and they go to the waypoint.

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