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How to remove the crosshairs?

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Hi, I need a little help... I want to know the script to remove crosshairs to the mission. I need to edit each missoin, or is this a server script?

Tnx a lot.

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It's a client setting. YOu can turn them on or off when you start OFP up and go into options I think.

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Don't think so Harnu, I want to force the client to play without the crosshairs. Everybody will be forced to play without the crosshair.

Probably it's a server config...

I wanna try to take of the little zoom (right click of the mouse)... don't even know if it's possible to do

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Tnx a lot Ralph! I'm sure that it is too.

Ok, If someone knows about it I'll be really glad.

Tnx again Ralph and Harnu, I'll keep searching...

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It's under the difficulty settings. Just set up the difficulty to have crosshair off. This won't be bound to the map however, so unfortunately if someone else hosts the map they can have them on or off as they will.

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I don't know whether you can do it in a mission (like to know that myself), but it can be done on the server. Just open your users/player/userinfo.cfg and enter: diffWeaponCursor[]={0,0};

In the mission... not really sure, but maybe you can try it in the description.extm as with showWatch...

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IT'S DONE!!!!! Tnx a lot for everyone's attention; Suchey helped me and everything is working now.


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