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Arma Tactical Combat (ATC) Campaign #9 presented

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ATC#9 Campaign Presentation




Since 2009, ATC is a Large Scale Combined Arms PvP Campaign. We are presenting now the ninth Campaign. ATC #9 has been largely rewritten with a lot of new features!


  • Code mostly rewritten
  • Multiple battle scenarios (maps)
  • Player respawns limited to 2 (3 lives)
  • As usual no vehicle respawn
  • Advanced flight system
  • New equipments with choice possibility (weapons, optics…)
  • More value to the first life. After respawn you lose something in your equipment
  • New rules in capture system. More defenders needed for holding the sector, more attackers needed to capture it
  • Sector defenders squads increased to 10 members
  • Recon Team and sniper teams do not count for sector capture
  • New: sector disputed if attackers are more than 2.5 times the defenders
  • Added: Antenna defenders squad
  • New rules for antenna destruction (only attack chopper weapons can’t destroy the antenna)
  • New roles added (eg. Specialist Assistants with specific benefits: more stamina, microdagr, Bergen backpack)
  • Delta Squad becames a Mechanized Infantry squad: Delta riflemen can man IFVs
  • Added a Parachuters Squad
  • Benefit system: the Commander has the choice of some extra vehicles to be chosen in game to enhance strategical choices and variability from one mission to the other. The choice is not shown to the other side.
  • Line-up will be maintained as in last version
  • Removed UAV/UGV, added new Tank DLC vehicles and weapons (launchers)
  • And more to see…



The first part of the Campaign will be played on Lythium.

Then we will move to Chernarus (Open Chernarus version) or Taunus and Altis



CBA; ACE3 (ATC9 version); @ATC9 mod; RH_acc (plus ACE RH_acc compat); Task Force Radio (Stable version), plus the specific map mods (Lythium & Jbad for the first part).


Battle day and time: Sundays at 19.00 UTC


Schedule and Campaign opening: will follow soon


Registrations are now OPEN!


Stay tuned and thanks for playing ATC!

To learn more: http://www.arma-tactical-combat.com


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ATC #9 Campaign Schedule


General Meeting

Sun 25th 20.30 CET (19.30 UTC)

  • The structure/schedule of the campaign will be agreed and discussed where/if needed. Questions welcome of course.
  • Two provisional factions will be announced with the purpose to prepare the general test to be held one week later. The two sides have an entire week to prepare the battle, that because preparation is needed for a good ATC gameplay. We will make a draw to decide who is attacking for the general test.
  • Factions and sides for the test battle are provisional and may change before the start. Final sides are to be announced at least one week before the start of the campaign.


  • Mod collections are ready for download and will be published shortly (only mods needed for the first part, maps needed for the second will be added after the meeting).
  • Both A3Sync and Steam collection will be available.
  • Updates/small additions are possible before the start of the campaign, after that mods are definitive. All mods needed, including all maps, will be available and definitive before the start.


  • Will be published before the general meeting, in order to allow questions.
  • Rules might be updated if needed before the start of the campaign, after start they are definitive.

General test

Dec 2nd, 20.00 CET, 19.00 UTC.

  • We will decide after that if another test is needed

Actual start of the campaign

  • Will be discussed/agreed in the meeting, likely mid Jan (Sunday 13th)


  • If possible within Nov. 25th (before the meeting) to allow the general test to be performed with the intended player count for the campaign.
  • After that date registrations are still possible for reimplacements.

Thanks to the groups/individuals who registered so far! Hope to meet you all soon and I wish all good luck and to have fun!

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