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Daytime question

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How would you go about triggering something after X in-game time (the time you change with skiptime not the actual IRL time). Let's say for instance that the in-game time is X (any point in time in game that is) and I want something to happen after 1 hour of in-game time, how would I do that? I know how to trigger something at a certain in-game time but not how to count from a certain in-game time point to another.




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5 minutes ago, Taylor1984 said:



How would you go about triggering something after X in-game time (the time you change with skiptime not the actual IRL time). Let's say for instance that the in-game time is X (any point in time in game that is) and I want something to happen after 1 hour of in-game time, how would I do that? I know how to trigger something at a certain in-game time but not how to count from a certain in-game time point to another.




If you want to check or compare dates you can use dateToNumber and numberToDate.

If you want to do a simpler check when stuff will happen on the same day, simply use daytime.


dayTime is rather straightforward, 10 being 10:00, while 10.5 is 10:30.



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Thanks. Daytime worked by checking the time between one hour and the next and so on.

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