kgb613 21 Posted August 16, 2018 Hello, I'm doing a CV90 series based on ingame "warrior" model. I want to create an amount of camera, rear, left and right. For this I will need to create a kind of pad like we can see with BWmod or ACE for example. I absolutly don't know how I'll dot this but it's not the actual problem. To create my rear camera I'm doing ingame script test. this setObjectTexture [0, "#(argb,512,512,1)r2t(uavrtt,1)"]; cam = "camera" camCreate (position myVehicle); cam cameraEffect ["External", "Front", "uavrtt"]; cam attachTo [myVehicle, [0,0,1], "zadni"]; I put this script in an billboard. And I put my vehicle with variable name "myVehicle". Launching the mission, the camera is working but not like I want, because the camera is looking front of my vehicle and looks like not listening order to be in "zadni" position, the rear. Here is the ingame screenshot. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites