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Levi Feaster

Future game add in not necessarily new game mode idea

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So an idea to make shelter more immersed an a way to team matchmake/show off shelter would be make host of team/duo invite friend to there shelter, there the friend could access his loadout(wep/ect..) but not upgrade his own shelter, then host starts matchmaking, now to give more incentive to actually upgrade shelter an too play with friends is add a pve raid element on player shelters like every 5 successful extractions, i was thinkinglike feral animals effected by radiation or like fiends(highly irradiated npc) that only melee, an so how this would work would be you have lets say 15 npcs start out on lvl 1 shelter and for every shelter lvl you increase so does X amount of npcs like plus 3 per lvl or something and obviously if you die defending you shelter you lose loadout and X amount of materials, if you dont die you get rewarded X amount of materials, so you would add like a shelter health/traps (palisades/tripwire non explosive to slow down attackers) the goal would be to kill them as quickly as possible an take the least amountof damage, so for every X amount of damage you lose materials(obviously for repairs) so if you take heavy damage but kill all it may even out(no mats reward) or be negative, combine this with a 5 min timer/warning b4 raid and team inviting to shelter so the higher lvl your shelter the more likely you'll invite a friend to help you on defense, this would add a cool pve/shelter raid element without havingto create a whole new gamemode aince shelter is already in game, an it would serve as hosting mechanic for team. 


If you read this leave a reply letting me know what you think!

Love the game as is so far, just think this would make a great addition w/o too much work.

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The horde mode feature actually would sound a lot cooler if it was just implemented in the game later as a new location where mutated animals or people from the radiation dwell. But instead of horde mode, just let them walk freely so it would actually give players a bit of an actual DayZ feel to it. All Shelters look the same, so there is really no need to "show off" your shelter if they all are built with the same features and upgrades. I understand the immersive feel to have your own shelter, but no events surround the map your shelter stands on. In my honest opinion, why have an entire map to your self (shelter) if your not even going to roam it and pretty much stay inside the shelter at the work bench or searching for a new area to loot. Its different from Escape from Tarkov, but it seems more reasonable to just have a "MENU" screen, than take up space with an entire map to yourself. Its just easier and simplified this way. Then we can just upgrade and build weapons straight from our home menu. I kinda feel there is no need for an entire map for yourself...

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I mean you already have a map to yourself i didn't mean make a new map but use the one the shelter is currently in 

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