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Helicopter Reinforcement Script Help

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I need the simplest, most effective helicopter reinforcement script available. I'm trying to make a custom support option that simply:
Spawns Helo + Pilot + Reinforcements -> UNLOAD Waypoint at player's position -> MOVE waypoint back to off-map spawning marker -> Delete Helo


Very frustratingly, all of the ones I've found are far too complex to use for this, so I guess I have to make my own. Here's what I have so far:


_group = [[0,0,0], WEST, ["OPTRE_UNSC_ODST_Soldier_Rifleman_AR", "OPTRE_UNSC_ODST_Soldier_Rifleman_BR", "OPTRE_UNSC_ODST_Soldier_DemolitionsExpert", "OPTRE_UNSC_ODST_Soldier_Automatic_Rifleman", "OPTRE_UNSC_ODST_Soldier_Paramedic", "OPTRE_UNSC_ODST_Soldier_Rifleman_AT", "OPTRE_UNSC_ODST_Soldier_Marksman"],[],[],[],[],[],180] call BIS_fnc_spawnGroup;

units _group join (group player);
_heli = "OPTRE_Pelican_unarmed" createVehicle getMarkerPos "Pspawn";
_pilot = "OPTRE_UNSC_Marine_Pilot" createVehicle getMarkerPos "PSpawn";
_pilot moveInDriver _heli;
{_x moveInCargo _heli} foreach units group _group; (((THIS _GROUP DOESNT WORK HERE, WHAT DO I USE?)))

wp1 = _pilot addWaypoint [getpos player,25];
wp1 setwaypointtype"UNLOAD"; 
wp2 = _pilot addWaypoint [getMarkerPos "PSpawn",25];
wp2 setwaypointtype"MOVE"; 


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Few pointers here:


{_x moveInCargo _heli} foreach units group _group; (((THIS _GROUP DOESNT WORK HERE, WHAT DO I USE?)))

change to

	_x assignAsCargo _heli;
	_x moveIncargo _heli;
forEach (units _group);



_pilot = "OPTRE_UNSC_Marine_Pilot" createVehicle getMarkerPos "PSpawn"; 
_pilot moveInDriver _heli;


change to


_pilot = _group createUnit ["OPTRE_UNSC_Marine_Pilot", [0,0,0], [], 0, "FORM"];
_pilot assignAsDriver _heli;
_pilot moveInDriver _heli;

You should also assign pilot to separate group as in your script you are assigning pilot to cargo

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