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In Bulldozer it works fine, but ingame "Cannot open -texture, object etc..-"

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Hey folks, i have some problems and i guess that it have to do something with my config or maybe the addon builder.

I was working on little objects to understand how I get it in the game. Im always getting it working into the Bulldozer but ingame I get everytime problems.


I made two barrelbombs, they worked fine as a static object ingame. After a few weeks I came back to it and modelled an Improvised Hellcannon and added it raw without any textures applied. I want to try another workflow for the bigger objects. First configure them and make changes to the object and the config and when this work I would texture them.



When I added the new object in the config and the p3d, it showed me ingame that a texture of one of the working objects could not be found. So all three objects does not show up ingame. Even if I remove the new object with the configurations.


Cannot load texture Error:




Dragged the objects and there is only the text:






class CfgPatches
	class ImprovisedWeapons
		name = "Improvised Weapons";
		author = "JeckZeRippa";
		units[] = {"iw_bb_medium_static","iw_bb_big_static","iw_hellcannon_1"};
		weapons[] = {};
		requiredVersion = 0.1;
		requiredAddons[] = {"A3_Structures_F_Items"};	

class CfgVehicles
	class Items_base_F;     		                     //External class reference
	class iw_bb_medium_static : Items_base_F
		scope = 2;
		scopeArsenal = 2;
		model = "\iw_weapons\objects\iw_bb_medium.p3d";
		editorPreview = "\iw_weapons\icons\iw_bb_medium_icon.paa";
		picture = "\iw_weapons\icons\iw_bb_medium_icon.paa";
		icon = "\iw_weapons\icons\iw_bb_medium_icon.paa";
		displayName = "Medium Barrel Bomb";
		editorCategory = "iw_category_static";
		editorSubcategory = "iw_category_static_bb";
		vehicleClass = "Military";
		slingLoadCargoMemoryPoints[] = {"SlingLoadCargo1","SlingLoadCargo2"};
		slingLoadCargoMemoryPointsDir[] = {};
	class Items_base_F;     		                     //External class reference
	class iw_bb_big_static : Items_base_F
		scope = 2;
		scopeArsenal = 2;
		model = "\iw_weapons\objects\iw_bb_big.p3d";
		editorPreview = "\iw_weapons\icons\iw_bb_big_icon.paa";
		picture = "\iw_weapons\icons\iw_bb_big_icon.paa";
		icon = "\iw_weapons\icons\iw_bb_big_icon.paa";
		displayName = "Big Barrel Bomb";
		editorCategory = "iw_category_static";
		editorSubcategory = "iw_category_static_bb";
		vehicleClass = "Military";
		slingLoadCargoMemoryPoints[] = {"SlingLoadCargo1","SlingLoadCargo2"};
		slingLoadCargoMemoryPointsDir[] = {};
	class Items_base_F;     		                     //External class reference
	class iw_hellcannon_1 : Items_base_F
		scope = 2;
		scopeArsenal = 2;
		model = "\iw_weapons\objects\iw_hellcannon_1.p3d";
		editorPreview = "";
		picture = "";
		icon = "";
		displayName = "Hellcannon 1";
		editorCategory = "iw_category_static";
		editorSubcategory = "iw_category_static_hc";
		vehicleClass = "Military";

class CfgEditorCategories
	class iw_category_static
		displayName = "Improvised Weapons";

class CfgEditorSubcategories
	class iw_category_static_bb
		displayName = "Barrelbombs"; 
	class iw_category_static_hc
		displayName = "Hellcannons"; 



My folder Structure:




Bulldozer is working:




Addon builder list:   *.pac;*.paa;*.sqf;*.sqs;*.bikb;*.fsm;*.wss;*.ogg;*.wav;*.fxy;*.csv;*.html;*.lip;*.txt;*.wrp;*.bisurf;*.xml;*.hqf;*.rtm;*.rvmat;*.shp;*p3d



Hopefully its only a tiny problem... Something I forgot.






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Ok... nevermind. I just tried out all variations with the configuration of the Addon Builder and I got only Errors. As I was packing and binarizing my first Objects it worked fine...


I downloaded this programm http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=2068

and it finally worked after days of errors...


I do not understandig why, but now im happy and the motivation curve is growing again :e:



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