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I'm trying to make a race using the Karts DLC, and am not sure how to activate the Lineup, Checkpoint, and finish modules in the eden editor when testing via singleplayer. Can I get some help?


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The best option atm is to learn from BI itself. I have uploaded the mission to Google Drive so you can take a look at the official MP race on Stratis:



The whole system isn't really well built. Here is what you need to do:

  1. Copy the init.sqf to your mission folder
  2. Create a Virtual Zeus (Civillian) and name it BIS_zeus
  3. Create a Game Master module and call it BIS_zeusModule
  4. Give your Finish module the variable name BIS_finish
  5. Add an End1 class to your CfgDebriefing in the descritption.ext (take a look at the example mission)

If you have a bit understanding of the sqf language you can of course remove any unnecessary parts from the init.sqf like the zeus but this mission is just an example.

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After some more testing I found out that you have to set the side in the init.sqf. If your racers are all civillian then leave it as is:

// line 55
{_x setVariable ["RscAttributeOwners", [CIVILIAN]]} forEach _raceModules;

Another thing I noticed is that the next CP will be the one closest to the completed one. Therefore a race with sharp corners isn't possible unless you place the modules far enough away from each other. The race will furthermore start without any countdown whatsoever.

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