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Soldier model

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Please don´t kill me.

This is probably the 100th time someone ask this but..

Is it possible to make a completely new soldier model, and then export it to O2, name selections and LODs and that stuff?

I ask specially for just a Yes or No.

If yes, any further explanation would be welcome.

I ask this because I have heard about animations and that stuff and I wonder if once you have the model you have to apply animations or whatever...

Any good reference for this?

I want ask it again.....I promiss smile.gif

Cheers smile.gif

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Yea i think its possible because the Codename Blue MOD has Ghost Recon Soldier modelz!(From the game Ghost Recon)

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which is from capt. Moore...

you can make a totally new model, you just have to know all the memory points and stuff like that...

But, I recommend you stick witht he default one, since they have good polygon counts for that soldier...

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definately yes.

you can make a soldier and import the model

into o2,but you will have to define the model

in o2 itself,

better still...make it in o2.

a good tip...

take a model of the demo west soldier,

say,the torso for instance,and using the defined

sections selecter delete everything thats not got

anything to do with the torso.

using the torso as a reference,build your new torso

from scatch,and define the parts exactly like the default one.

when your done,delete the demo torso,after you placed it in the right place,and all the defined selections you dont need,

and set the lod to 0.0000.

delete all the lods apart from the new lod and save as

new torso.p3d.

then you can reopen the west demo soldier,and start on the legs...

when you got all the bits ready,

merge all the p3ds of you new parts together,including

the named selections and proxies.

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Cool smile.gif

That´s a nice reply...

What should I do with Cpp later then?...could I just copy one and apply minor changes?

Cheers smile.gif

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well the cpp for the newsoldier will be the same as any other

exept the name of the modelp3d,this you cofigure by typeing

in CfgModels.

you have to tell ofp theres a new model.

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Guest BratZ

OK heres a thought, I have not made a soldier model myself,but from seeing the droid and by viewing some p3d's,and the reading I have done,yes it certainly is possible but here is something you have to remember....

Because we cannot yet change the animations,you need to stick with the default solider movement and placement etc...

Heres an example ...I remember SelectThis (i believe) was talking about the VC troops ...he made smaller models to resemble the smaller frame size but the weapons didnt fit in their hands proper,of course you could make mini weapons to match ,but you want to be able to destroy a VC unit and use his weapon after and so forth,... get what I am saying?

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Well...I´m actually thinking about just replacing the geometry and leave all the memory points and stuff in the right place.

It´s because I hate those small helmets and bad mapping in the shoulders.

I still have to decide what I´ll do....

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a soldier model is just as a tank model..

it worx fine as long as u follow the rules, and name the selections right tings and so..lol..

only hard thing is to make him cool..lol..i have tried couple of times..still looks like a bunch of crap..rofl

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I can´t wait to go back to my own computer with Max 5 to finish my Ferret and do a new soldier....

Any sugestion for a soldier?.....I was probably going to do some Black Hawk Down Ranger or WWII japanese soldiers...any better ideas?....

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