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Drawdown 2035 - Where's Lacey?

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So I've just re-installed Arma3 and am dipping my toes thrusting my bayonet into the campaign missions again, and I noticed that in Drawdown 2035 - just before getting in to the truck to head to Kamino  -  Adams radio's Lacey and asks him to follow in another vehicle, and again when waiting at the AAF checkpoint Adams cautions Lacey about the greenbacks having a stick up their ass.


I parked the truck and waited five minutes just past that checkpoint but Lacey never turns up, so is he supposed to follow or rendezvous with us or is this how the game's supposed to play out? 


**Update** -  Scripted this way as I'm on to the next mission and they're both having a walkie-talkie conversation about how Lacey got separated :hmmm:

Edited by dutch
I am not a smart man
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