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Very simple question...

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How do you exit a script? say you have a loop script

and you want it to end after it is finished doing whatever

you wanted it to do. Would you just type Goto "end" and

then have



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Use the Exit command.



if (value = true) : goto "end"

goto "Loop"



Maybe you can say exit right away instead of goto "end", but i need to test that.

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_i = 0


_i = _i + 1

? _i == 3 : goto "blah"

? _i < 10 : goto "loop"

hint "i = 10 now!"



hint "What are you doing here??  I heard i = 3!"

goto "loop"

hint "This code will never execute"

EDIT: Eep! Didn't see other post by Fangie.


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