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How to put objects into fortress?

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How do you put objects such as a machine gun or an infantry solder/sniper into a fortress?


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To put a bloke into a fortress, just give him a get in waypoint over the fortress, this only works if there are just one or two people in the group, otherwise, two blokes get in and the rest sort of hang about outside looking to get shot. smile.gif

To put an M2 into a fortress you will need to place the unit in the correct place on the map, this is just trial and error until its in the right place. You will notice that the gun appears "inside" the fortress ie both items are in the same space, you need to raise the gun a few meters, which will involve a simple script.

_Target = _This select 0

_Height = _This select 1

_Target setpos [(getpos _Target)select 0, (getpos _Target)select 1, (getpos _Target)select 2 + _Height)]


copy this to a text editor and save it as Raise.sqs in your mission folder.

Then in the units init field, execute the script, just pass two argumemnts, the unitname and the height in meters you want the unit raising. eg

[myGun,2] exec "Raise.sqs"

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You can put men in there as well. Place the soldier on top of the fortress in the editor, and in the soldiers init field type:

this setpos [(getpos this select 0), (getpos this select 1), (getpos this select 2)+n]

*Replace 'n' with a number (height in meters) about 1.8 to 2 i think with a fortress. You can put as many soldiers as you can fit in as well.

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LOL!!! After a lot of trying, I finally got 2 M2 Machine guns properly into one fortress (the smaller type), and after I got two blokes to board the guns, I wanted to test something... I copied and pasted the gun position 3 times so I had altoghether eight guns in four fortresses, and then I had a bunch (around 30) russian troops walk right into them.  O M G ! ! !   That's what I call a firefight. The sound of eight 50-cal machine guns going after 30 russian troops who are trying frantically to kill the gunners.... priceless! :biggrin:

(Edited by Ptroinks at 4:42 pm on Nov. 29, 2001)

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I've done a mission with 6 M2 guns in a town, all positioned in the second floor of houses, loads of Russians running about in the village(about 50 blokes), and 50 Western blokes come in attacking the town with 4 M113's and 2 M2A2's in support. ( oh, and 4 blokes with MM1 grenade launchers.)

Talk about chaos, hehe, its great fun to watch, but I have yet to survive the mission!! (got to keep my head down more often)

Now, if only i could get groups of guys into buildings, it would be time for some grenades through the windows!!

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