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It's Alive! I can play again!

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So I wasn't able to play this game due to the screen not loading properly. No matter what I tried, different browsers, clearing cache, I couldn't get it to work again. So now after a year away from the game I updated Firefox and tried it again. And it works! This makes me so happy. This is on my crappy Macbook Pro 2011 so it should run on almost anyones computer. Granted, it still has it's flaws but the developers have made it clear this is as good as it gets and still happy with what they have given us......for free!


I recently got on a good run and had to give up after hours of play because of real world sleep. I was unstoppable, best equipment, vehicle, ammo for dayz. 20+ bandit kills. Haven't been able to re-create it since. 

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