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Understanding how preInit and postInit attributes work

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HI All, 


I'm trying to figure out how the  preInit and postInit attributes work, and I've read a couple of threads



and still am missing something...


I thought the following would display "Hello BEAKO" before the mission start but nothing happens.


I created:



class CfgFunctions
	class BEAKO
		class preInit
			file = "functions\preInit";				
			class test 
				preInit = 1;


[] call BEAKO_fnc_test;

fn_test.sqf (inside folders "functions" sub-folder "preInit")

hintC format ["Hello %1",name player];


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Since preInit runs before the mission begins or is even initialized, you'll never see the hint.

Take a read.


In most cases you'd never need preInit or postInit unless you want to run extremely cpu expensive functions where it doesn't impact gameplay (grabbing all buildings on the entire map etc).



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