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Mokey II

Counting Rockets, deleting, re-adding amount

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So on my server I run a script that allows players to access virtual arsenal before spawn. I have made/modified a script to limit the amount of ammo they can have after spawning. 

So currently, it removes all ammo for guns, then re-adds the ammo to their inventory. This is to stop outside loadouts from VA to be used without disabling loading of VA. So it limits magazine count. 

My issue is, I can't seem to figure out the same method for rockets and rockets only. Anyone point me in the right direction?

private _var = player;

Fn_Gear_CompatibleMagazines =
	private _cls = configFile >> "CfgWeapons" >> _this;
	private _res = [];
		_res pushBack (if (_x == "this")
		then {getArray(_cls >> "magazines")}
		else {getArray(_cls >> _x >> "magazines")});
	} forEach getArray(_cls >> "muzzles");


	if (count _x > 0) then
		while {count _x > 0} do {
			    if (count _x > 0) then
					_var removeMagazine (_x select 0)
			} foreach (_x call Fn_Gear_CompatibleMagazines)

} forEach [primaryWeapon _var, secondaryWeapon _var, handgunWeapon _var];

	if (count _x > 0) then
			if (count _x > 0) then
				_var addMagazines [(_x select 0), 2]
		} foreach (_x call Fn_Gear_CompatibleMagazines)
} forEach [primaryWeapon _var, secondaryWeapon _var, handgunWeapon _var];


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So I was thinking of something along the lines of this:


private _var = player;
_equippedRocket = [

	_var selectWeapon _equippedRocket;

	if (currentWeapon _var == _equippedRocket) then
		_var removeMagazine currentWeapon;
		_var addMagazine currentWeapon (_x select 0);

given it doesn't work,  I'm essentially swinging in the dark now.

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