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Hey Everyone,


Having some issues with this bit of code it says "generic error in expression" and I can't figure out whats up with it.


params [
    ["_player", [], [[]]]

private _return = false;

    if ((Lobby_slottedPlayers getVariable _x select 1) isEqualTo (_player select 1)) then {
        Lobby_slottedPlayers setVariable [_x, nil, true];
        missionNamespace setVariable ["Lobby_updateSlots", true, true];
} forEach allVariables Lobby_slottedPlayers;



Anyone able to help with this? im baffled.

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You are not only getting a "generic error in expression" your RPT also tells you the real error that you have.

Do you maybe mean "(Lobby_slottedPlayers getVariable _x) select 1" instead of "Lobby_slottedPlayers getVariable _x select 1"? _x is a string. and STRING select 1 won't work.

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