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COSLX a couple of noobish questions.

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Hi gang.

so i took time out earlier to install COSLX, i seem to have it working. but a few things i am unsure of.

1. when installing it. im not sure but i may have messed up the two additional patches for it. it would be nice to know for sure if the two patches installed successfully, there isnt anything when the game is loaded up to say which version is in use. anyone know how i could check that? if not then im tempted to delete and reinstall COSLX and the 2 patches again. i am pretty ocd, and any nagging doubt that my game isnt just perfect spoils everything for me.


2. i suspect an even more noobish question. does this addon and all the ai improvements also take effect on the main campaigns, red harvest, operation arrowhead, etc? my gut feeling says that it would, but who knows. hope so, as i mostly play singleplayer, and want to experience the campaigns without the notoriously bad ai.

cheers in advance.

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Just found this thread, extremely late reply but any new comers to my mod, please just ask here in the future:


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