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Improved AI Script (Take Cover script v1.3) And Swimming Script for vanilla

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Take cover script



Features of TC (Take Cover) script :


1) AI can dynamically take cover behind 3 different types of sandbags and 2 wreck jeeps


2) Not only that they can take cover inside houses too


3) The nearby enemy position is calculated and defenders will take cover on positions that fits right for them (For example if AI is taking cover in a house then they will take cover behind the nearest window to the enemy position)


4) There is also the assaulters they behave differently. They either push/flank or take cover using bushes by setting them on "RED" combat mode (Depending on the situation)


5) AI can be suppressed - just shoot somewhere near AI and they will go prone (If they are taking cover)


Instructions are inside TC_Init.sqs there is also more in-depth info there


Features of SW (Swimming script) and how it works :


The main feature of SW is that you literally swim but there is few conditions - the unit must be in prone and must be slightly above sea level


You will swim up if you fell into the water


The way the script works is that a pallet spawns under you and that keeps you from falling


The file : https://bit.ly/2qbZ4wm



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Also if you find any bugs just post here we can fix it


Oh also there is 1 more feature on take cover script that AI sends info about enemy positions time to time


There is something on OFP that bothers me when there is a nearby group that is getting killed the other nearby group doesn't notice that but that feature fixed that

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-Script is slightly more optimized


-When the AI died and spawned again the AI didn't had the effects of the script but now it does


-I think I might have fixed a bug where the game freezes completely it doesn't even crash if you see it happen then post here so we can fix it I'm still not sure if this is the fix though


-I improved revive script too now when a unit dies the body bag spawns right at their location and also they automatically follow their leader after they revived (I'm not taking credit for the work though I already credited them inside the missions briefing)


-The test mission had some bugs itself like to some players in MP , the objective didn't progress to them


Now in future updates I might improve the system of take cover script right now the script controls the units per script but in future I might do it groups per script it increases the optimization and fixes some things that I wanted to fix


And also  after all of these I'm going to make a mod for this so people who want to play with this wouldn't waste their time trying execute the script for each soldier


So here is the file : https://bit.ly/2qbZ4wm


It's the same link as previous one but I thought I should still put one in this post too



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-Script is even more optimized than before - one of the scripts checks your FPS and if your FPS is doing bad it will increase the delays depending on how well/bad your FPS did


-The bug where the game completely freezes is now completely gone (Probably. Well I at least fix the one that caused it)


-The AI didn't send info's correctly to the other groups but that's fixed now


-Delay for suppressing the AI is now decreased a little now they react quicker to it


-And some other minor fixes


Next Time I will probably make a mod out of this so others don't have to manually execute the script for each soldier


So here is the file : https://bit.ly/2qbZ4wm


It's the same link as previous one but I thought I should still put one in this post too


(It's Swim and Cover v2.01 now btw)

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