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Helicopter operations

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Here I'm again!


Again - something WIP and for my mod. As always - models are not mine, they are reused from addons made by people much much better at modeling than myself. Also fastrope is BAS based.


So... in original missions and campaing it was always (for me) irritating that heli is always called via 0-0-x radio menu and helicopter cooperation was not crutial for mission. As it's - I suppose - in real life.


So here it is: my solution.


To use heli player (or group leader) must be in RTO-array for helicopter operations. Also vehicles that the RTO is in charge are defined there.


Secondly - RTO will need radio: PRC-77 for west or R109 for east and resistance. Also vehicles equipped with radios may be used (so yeah: You can call for heli while sitting inside humvee)


Also - if leader is onboard heli he'll got all options for this specific vehicle  without radio.


There are four types of LZ avaliable:

- Base - that is defined by GameLogic

- Pre-defined - marked on map as mission starts

- Makred by player - You'll give coordinates and mark specific place by flare or smoke

- Ad-hoc - You'll give coordinates and heli will land/do-anything-else in nearest suitable area.


And 7 types of missions:

- Land - land for boarding or leaving. This may be used as heli-taxi.
- MEDEVAC - as player will be able to define if he's allowed to lose anyone this may be crucial for the operation. If your soldier is wounded and cannot walk, he'll bleed to death soon. Unless You call for evac, put him in heli and send to base. Wounded soldier is unjoined form his group and healed after disembarking in base.

- POW-EVAC  - in original SLX EPWs were just pointless. Now player may put them inside specifically defined vehicle and send to base.

- Civil-EVAC - if the objective is to evacuate the civilians from area this - with combination of script allowing to command them -  will be used.

- Fastrope - as name suggests

- Paradrop - heli will fly aroud LZ wile soldiers are paradopping.
- Return to base - It may be used in two situations - as heli-taxi to base (possibly ending scenario) or if he want to call off the heli in case of danger near the LZ.

CAS script is still is WIP as I've different things to do right now :P

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