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Daniel Kuhlmann

[FnB] Frag 'n Bag is back! Brand new platoon looking for casual 18+ EU PC players!

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We are a brand new casual European gaming community with the focus on just casual public gaming. 
Mainly focussed on Battlefield (4) games, besides we play games such as: PUBG, Rainbow Six Siege, Arma 3 and much more!

Our goal is to become a succesfull laid back and mature platoon with active players from all over Europe.
During casual game nights it will all be about having a good time with the other members of our platoon.
When we have wars we tend to be more serious and a little try hard, we will play in squads with someone from higher command as leader.

We will have one event per week and one or two trainings.
Events such as: Promotions, wars with other platoons, medals, challenges for MVP in game, video edit skills or most recruited last week.
In the trainings we will help you with improving your general skills for a certain game, think about map knowledge, weapon load out and tips and tricks.

We have created our own ranking system within our guild, so we have a strong leading group who have each their own task.
For example: Recruitment officer, Event hoster, Social media moderator, Trust person etc.

From highest to lowest the ranks are:
- Admin. 
- General.
- Colonel. 
- Captain.
- Lieutenant.
- Member.
- Recruit.
- Ghost.

Requirements for joining our platoon:
- 18+ 
- A good mic.
- Speak decent english.
- Be relative active.
 (You will start as a recruit, in a period of a 3 weeks time we will see if you fit within our guild and are active).

Are you intrested, and do you wish to join?
Feel free to join our - Discord - and have a chat with one of us!

Thank you for your time, and hope to see you soon on the battlefield!

The Lazy Goat,
Admin [FnB].

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