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How track objects moving inn to a trigger zone?

I want to pass the objects name into a script and put a camera on the object.

No i dont want to use the camera controll in the trigger itself.

I found out the following:

Now i get the first dude to do a pushup.

But when anyone else enter the trigger zone nothing happens.

If all leave the trigger zone and enter it again the first person

must take the pushup.

How do get this to work on everybody entering the trigger zone since the trigger seams to activate just once and stay active until everyone leaves?

Thanx in advance.

Trigger set to activate by anybody

Init line of trigger: [thislist] exec "objpass.sqs"

objpass.sqs file:

; Get the array from trigger

_obj = _this select 0

; Select first person from thislist

_person = _obj select 0

; Make the unit do a push up

_person SwitchMove "FXStandDip"


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trigget activ:west or east presents

onActiv:[thislist] exec "objpass.sqs"


_num=count thislist



_person = thislist select _n

_person SwitchMove "FXStandDip"




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