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Da Frank

Hold your position PRIVATE !!!

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Any one know a solution to Vehicles that won't hold still and try to sneak up a hill or wreck a garden wall while your not looking (come to think of it, even when your are looking).

Also I would like a helicopter to be crached in the woods, but it keeps hopping because of the trees.


Any one found out yet how to put a flag to a vehicle even when nobody's in 'm.

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Hmmm, I can answer the question of the chopper:

Just place a waypoint for the chopper with 'move' on the edge of the woods then in the activation field set: this setdammage 1

the chopper wil now be destroyed and crashes in the forest. I hope this will answer your question.

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Thanx anyway.

Crashing the chopper wasn't really the problem, but do you at least know of the non stationary vehicles?

As it turns out to be, tanks even move a bit sometimes when they're empty.

Isn't it strange, you should think a couple of tons of metal would stick to it's place. wink.gif

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Yeah, i know. Vehicles move sometimes with a driver in it, but I don't know the solution for that.

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for the helicopter you might try a slight of hand. just have it crash and then have trigger that does a countdown for about 5 seconds and then use the setpos command to put it someplace in the woods ontop of an invisible h.

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his problem with the chopper isn't getting it to crash. The set dammage or action engine off command solve that one easily. The problem this guy is having with his chopper is that AFTER it has crashed and died it bounces between the trees for ages while the physics engine tries to figure out how it should lie.

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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote </td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">Quote: from Daneel on 7:52 pm on Dec. 2, 2001

his problem with the chopper isn't getting it to crash. The set dammage or action engine off command solve that one easily. <span id='postcolor'>

yes daneel, that is why I suggested the setpos command, it should just magically move it to whatever point in the woods he wants, and if it doesent stop bouncing, i suppose you could move it to some flat ground somewhere for about 5 seconds and then put it in the woods and it should be stationary.

P.S. I just found out how easy scripts are, and to think I've been scared of them all this time. Could be easy to make one for this.

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Ok I think I cracked it.

First Daneel, after 'this setdammage 1' letting it get to rest on a surface is indeed nessecery (it doesn't have to be flat, on a slope will give you a nice angle).

Than let it there for about 10 sec. If the place you 'setpos' it to has a tree in the way, it will start bouncing again, so you have to move it around a bit untill you get the right position, also the azimut has to be right, so you could try changing that around.

But if you want to be sure just place it in the ground for about a meter [x,y,-1], which is cool because it won't have any wheels anymore.

Thanx again.

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