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Difference between Arma3 Server and Hosting Server Through Client

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I'm struggling to get an arma 3 server running off of a second pc to run properly. However, I can run the game-client and host a server through the multiplayer tab. Are there any downsides to doing it this way so far as performance / stability is concerned? Or are there worthwhile benefits to getting the arma3server version of the game working?


I'm at my wit's end, and figured that if this worked, it might just be enough.



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Do you have a server.cfg set up?


Are the ports open for the server?


In my experience, running a server on a separate machine increases client performance (AI off loaded to the server) and makes it more redundant (if your client crashes, the players continue on and you rejoin).





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So I am hosting the server on another machine - but I'm doing it through the Arma3 Client > Multiplayer > Host Server. Then, I connect to that server with my gaming pc. I was just curious if it made any difference if the server was being run by the arma3server_x64 executable vs. having it hosted: both of these cases would be on a second machine.


To answer your questions: I do not have a server.cfg created, I'm just using the TADST program to launch it. The ports are definitely open.


On the same note: if a server is hosted and visible on LAN, if it is connected to the internet, will it also be visible in the Internet tab of the server browser? Or will it only show it on LAN because that's the fastest way to see the server? It's difficult to tell if my server is even reaching the internet.

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The difference between running an Arma 3 Dedicated Server instance and hosting a server instance from the Arma 3 client is the amount of control/customization you have over the server instance. You are going out of your way to make this server operation more complicated than it needs to be.


Consult the Arma 3 Dedicated Server official wiki page for all the details on configuring a server instance. Note that TADST does not follow these conventions.


It sounds like you are running 2 Arma 3 clients on 2 PCs in order to run a server instance and a client instance. This is not necessary and probably impacts performance negatively. You are allowed to run any number of Arma 3 server instances without owning a single copy of Arma 3 (you only need a license to play).

As for server browser visibility, it is optimized to show long-running high population servers first, not empty, never-been-accessed servers. If you wish to know if your server is visible via the Internet, you'll need someone on the outside of your LAN to test (give them the public IP address on your router, not the LAN IP address you use locally). They will need to Direct Connect the first time, then they can Favorite it and then it will show up in their server browser whenever the server is online. You will need to either enable UPnP (Universal Plug aNd Play) on your router or forward the proper ports to your server instance. See the Dedicated Server link above for details.

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