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How to use "Eventhandler HandleScore"?

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How do you use "Eventhandler HandleScore" to prevent a unit (players and playable AI) from getting any kind of score shown in the MP score table?



I know that the main syntax is _unit addeventhandler ["HandleScore", {  } ];

and and that the score that is applied is "_this select 2"


But I don't know how to utilize it to disable scoring for the unit.

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According to the wiki, if you make the event handler return false, then the score won't get added.

That being said, you don't actually need to use "_this select 2" at all for what you're wanting to do.

The following code should work: _unit addEventHandler ["Handlescore", {false}]

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Lol, I think I had tested the code you have provided on my own before I've posted here. I must have made a minor mistake. It works. Thank you anyway.

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