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Zeus as High Command setup

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Hey guys,


Was a big fan of High Command, but have a few issues with it and have since been trying to get Zeus to function as a High Command system. Gotten quite close to getting this the way I want by restricting editing/camera areas and limiting resources, however, my Zeus is still able to edit/see enemy units that were not placed nor made editable for Zeus on the map.


For example by selecting a Blufor unit as Zeus and then hovering the mouse over the map you can essentially find all the Opfor unit positions since the cursor changes to the red target when the mouse is over an enemy unit. Furthermore if I then move the mouse over these Opfor units and double click them I can edit their stand and rank which I was hoping to only use for Zeus placed Blufor units when outside of my editing area.


TLDR; Has anyone made a successful High Command-like setup in Zeus or Zeus vs. Zeus setup that doesn't allow Zeus players to reveal/edit enemy units?




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Hmm not sure about those bugs you mention, I've never really noticed those. Maybe your zeus is misconfigured in some way.


What I did a while ago was to actually make all enemy units invisible while you're in the zeus camera. That has some downsides though.

There are also some mods available that you may find interesting:





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You could try hide enemy units with hideObject just for Zeus client. That command is local and you could only hide the enemy for Zeus. Or you could setup a loop which checks every 30 seconds if enemy unit is seen by blufor (or check something like knowsAbout/nearTargets for all blufor groups) and then hide/unhide the enemy. 

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Hey guys thanks a lot for the suggestions. The mods look great and may end up going that route if necessary but am trying to avoid using mods for now. Tajin if you have time would you be able take a look at my setup and see if there are any obvious mistakes made? I've got an example map attached. Basically just switch over to Zeus, then the map, and then hover of the markers on the map. You'll see the reticle change to a target and the units are also editable.




Also I'm not super skilled in the ways of Arma scripting as of yet, but if you guys wouldn't mind sharing your examples that'd be great.



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That is what I meant, but hiding enemies can be problematic since it also affects any AI that are local to you. (especially bad in singleplayer xD)

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