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Random pick in an array and _forEachIndex

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Hi there !


I'm not very good at scripting and I try to make this happen :

I have a unit created in a group spawning at some position :

_vip = createGroup [EAST, true];
_jose = _vip createUnit ["O_G_Soldier_F", [25304.1,21805.5,0.1], [],0,"CAN_COLLIDE"];

I would like to move this _jose in a position randomly picked in an array of 8 positions, so I wrote :

_pos_jose = [[24871.3,23103.8,1.3],[24869.2,23099.7,1.4],[24852.4,23106.2,0.3],[24843.9,23082.7,0.1],[24837.9,23206.3,0.4],[24868.6,23219.4,3.1],[24655.2,23186.9,0.2],[24876.7,23097.9,0.1]];
_random_pos_jose = _pos_jose select (floor (random (count _pos_jose)));
_jose setPosAtl _random_pos_jose;

So far so good, but now I would like to add some directions to _jose (each direction match the index of the above array so first dir in the array is the good one for the first position in the array above) :

_dir_jose = [138,63,70,117,44,128,172,205];

And furthermore, I would like to add a bodyguard to this _jose, but in a different group. This bodyguard (named _gdc1) is also already spawned I just would like to move him near _jose. I guess the logic is quite the same than for directions.

The trick is, as the position of _jose is randomly picked, I don't know how to get the right index picked in the first array and select it for the other arrays.

I tried this, but without success, the position of _gdc1 is always the same (the first one in the _pos_gdc1 array, so I guess index 0) :

private ["_pos_jose","_random_pos_jose"];
_pos_jose = [[24871.3,23103.8,1.3],[24869.2,23099.7,1.4],[24852.4,23106.2,0.3],[24843.9,23082.7,0.1],[24837.9,23206.3,0.4],/*masure_foret*/[24868.6,23219.4,3.1],[24655.2,23186.9,0.2],[24876.7,23097.9,0.1]];
_dir_jose = [138,63,70,117,44,128,172,205];

_pos_gdc1 = [[24874.2,23106,1.3],[24866.6,23095.8,1.5],[24852,23111.7,0.1],[24846.8,23079.4,0.1],[24847.7,23202.8,0.1],[24872.1,23214.8,3.1],[24665.9,23173.6,0.2],[24884.3,23099.6,0.1]];
_dir_gdc1 = [321,298,10,145,271,137,76,102];

_random_pos_jose = _pos_jose select (floor (random (count _pos_jose)));
_jose setPosAtl _random_pos_jose;
_jose setDir (_dir_jose select _forEachIndex);
_gdc1 setPosATL (_pos_gdc1 select _forEachIndex);
_gdc1 setDir (_dir_gdc1 select _forEachIndex);
} forEach _pos_jose;

I can't figure where I'm wrong, since as I said first, I'm not good at scripting SQF (or every other language to tell the truth).

If anybody does have a clue, it will be highly appreciated !

Thanks in advance !

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private ["_pos_jose","_random_pos_jose"];
_pos_jose = [[24871.3,23103.8,1.3],[24869.2,23099.7,1.4],[24852.4,23106.2,0.3],[24843.9,23082.7,0.1],[24837.9,23206.3,0.4],/*masure_foret*/[24868.6,23219.4,3.1],[24655.2,23186.9,0.2],[24876.7,23097.9,0.1]];
_dir_jose = [138,63,70,117,44,128,172,205];

_pos_gdc1 = [[24874.2,23106,1.3],[24866.6,23095.8,1.5],[24852,23111.7,0.1],[24846.8,23079.4,0.1],[24847.7,23202.8,0.1],[24872.1,23214.8,3.1],[24665.9,23173.6,0.2],[24884.3,23099.6,0.1]];
_dir_gdc1 = [321,298,10,145,271,137,76,102];

_random_pos_jose = selectRandom _pos_jose;
_index = _pos_jose find _random_pos_jose;
_jose setPosAtl _random_pos_jose;
_jose setDir (_dir_jose select _index);
_gdc1 setPosATL (_pos_gdc1 select _index);
_gdc1 setDir (_dir_gdc1 select _index);

selectRandom and find are your friends. The forEach command goes through ALL array elements, therefore only the last array element will be the final position and direction.

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Aaand it works like a charm ! I guess I was overcomplexing the thing !

Thanks a lot 7erra ! You rock !

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private _idx = floor random count _pos_jose;
private _pos = _pos_jose select _idx;
private _dir = _dir_jose select _idx;

Because searching array in array of arrays operation is too slow

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Hi Serena, thanks for your reply !

So, do I need to write these 3 "private" at the beginning of my code ? Instead of this :

private ["_pos_jose","_random_pos_jose"];


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Any syntax is allowed. You can use syntax that suits you best. Keyword effects and usage cases described here.


Also good approach is to minimize allocation of variables where possible:

private _idx = floor random count _pos_jose;
_jose setPosAtl (_pos_jose select _idx);
_jose setDir (_dir_jose select _idx);


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Thanks a lot Serena, and sorry for my late answer, I wasn't around till today !

I'll will give it a try and let you know !



Edit : It works perfectly, thank you for your help Serena and 7erra !

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