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FA Dalai Lamar

How do i change agp frp 4x to 2x

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I had no freezing until patch 1.85 now I have constant freezing especially bad after patch 1.90. THe freezing seems to happen when I perform an action such as zooming a scope...changing to binoculars or reloading during firefights. THe freeze is characterized by of course a freeze with looped gunfire and again it only now started happening. It can be as little as 3 squads fighting or as many as 20....Its Random. However it seems to be getting worse and worse. I've checked and my card drivers are up to date so I have no choice but to try to reset the AGP from 4x to 2x....Someone please help this is killing me....



Dell 2.8 G P4


Turtle Beach Santa Cruz Sound

Radeon 9700 128 Graphics

120 G HD

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Changes from AGP4X to AGP2X have to be made in your bios. To get into your bios menu, you have to press "del" when your computer boots. Then search around for the AGP settings and switch from 4X to 2X. Changes for the graphics card can be best done with Powerstrip.

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Thanks for the reply...But I already tried that....There is no place that allows you to change my AGP setting in my BIOs...Only allows me to change the Apeture setting..whih I have already done....Is there any other way to do this...My OFP is essentially dead now...I can't play more than five minutes without it freezing. sad.gif


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My ofp is freezing too sad.gifsad.gifsad.gif

I have absolutely the same problem as you, I even tried changing AGP to 2x and 1x but nothing helps


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