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Shepherd of Fire

How to enable Modules with Triggers?

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Ok so I've seen this in a bunch of places, people tell you that if you sync a trigger to a module, the module gets enabled along with the trigger but it doesnt seem to work for me...

My specific situation:
I'm using Alive to create a mission. My intention is to have the enemy OPCOM disabled until players enter a specific area. I have the players as independent (this mission is designed to be played in MP in a dedicated server) and the trigger conditions are: Activation: Independent, Present. This trigger is synced to the OPCOM module.

How do I do this? is there some condition im missing?

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That depends on the OPCOM script. Normally the module only activates when the trigger is activated but I don't know about ALiVE modules. What exactly is OPCOM and what does it do? Can you post the function that is executed by the module? You can find it by

  1. Placing the module
  2. Right Click
  3. Find in configViewer
  4. search for the entry "function = 'TAG_fnc_fncName';", the entries are sorted alphabetical


 If you want to activate the module only when players are nearby then activation AnyPlayer might be more suitable. Making the trigger local to the server might also save performance but that depends on the function that is executed by the module.

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