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[Question] ACE Damage

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Hello guys. I wasn`t sure whether to put this into the editing and scripting section or here. I opted for here. I`m making a mission using ACE and I would like to place a large amount of enemies. To balance this I would like to decrease the amount of damage that incoming projectiles do to the players and their vehicles. I was wondering where I could go in order to adjust these damage coefficients. The standard ArmA scripts and event handlers such as "Handle Damage" don`t seem to work with ACE enabled. I know that ACE is modular. I am also aware that it is possible to adjust things like G-force through simple variable commands. I was wondering if the same is possible with damage taken.


Any help would be appreciated! Cheers!

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Check ACE Medical settings. There you can find options to set how much damage player and AI can take before going unconscious or die from wounds. Can't say the same for vehicles though.

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