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Alternative vehicle smoke launcher -problem

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I am new to configs and have been playing around in order to develop my understanding. After succeeding with some basic re texturing and creation of alternative versions of objects I wondered if it was possible to change the vehicle smoke launcher in order to throw other objects. I think i could broadly replicate the effect through scripting but wondered if it was possible through the smoke launcher weapon functionality.


I created an alternative hatchback which allows a smoke launch to be made. I then sought to change the model of the ammo to a hand grenade rather than the smoke grenade (obviously whilst retaining the smoke effect since I hadn't changed anything else). So far I haven't been able to change this model for anything else. 


Could anyone give me a suggestion of what I have done wrong with this intermediate step please, or even how i might go about the full replacement of effects (which I had assumed i would copy some of the effects from the grenade config - but hadn't got that far to check)?  Is this even possible?



Thanks in advance!

 class CfgPatches
	class BOC_smoke_launcher
		name="Custom smoke launcher and vehicle";
		weapons[] = {"BOC_SmokeLauncher"};
		units[] = {"BOC_hatchback_covert"};
 class CfgVehicles
	class C_Hatchback_01_F;
 	class BOC_hatchback_covert: C_Hatchback_01_F
		displayName = "Covert grenade launching hatchback";
		model = "\A3\soft_f_gamma\Hatchback_01\Hatchback_01_F";
		hiddenSelections[] = {"camo1"};
		hiddenSelectionsTextures[] = {"\A3\soft_f_gamma\Hatchback_01\data\Hatchback_01_ext_CO.paa"};
		scope = 2;
		side = 3;
		magazines[] = {"BOC_SmokeLauncherMag"};
		weapons[] = {"CarHorn","BOC_SmokeLauncher"};
		smokeLauncherGrenadeCount = 6;
		smokeLauncherOnTurret = 0;
		smokeLauncherVelocity = 17;
		smokeLauncherAngle = 360
		//driverHasFlares = 1;                 //this isn't needed as it works without?
class CfgAmmo
	class Default;
	class BulletCore;
	class BulletBase;
	class SmokeLauncherAmmo;
 	class BOC_SmokeLauncherAmmo: SmokeLauncherAmmo
		model = "\A3\Weapons_f\ammo\Handgrenade";

	class Grenade;
	class GrenadeHand;
	class SmokeShell;
	class SmokeShellVehicle;  //from trial and error -smoke shell vehicle works wheras this doesn't seem to.
 	class BOC_SmokeShellVehicle: SmokeShellVehicle
		model = "\A3\Weapons_f\ammo\Handgrenade";

class CfgMagazines
	class Default;
	class CA_Magazine;
	class VehicleMagazine;
	class SmokeLauncherMag;
 	class BOC_SmokeLauncherMag: SmokeLauncherMag
		ammo = "BOC_SmokeLauncherAmmo";

class CfgWeapons
	class Default;
	class MGunCore;
	class MGun;
	class SmokeLauncher;
 	class BOC_SmokeLauncher: SmokeLauncher
		displayName = "BOC smoke launcher weapon";
		magazines[] = {"BOC_SmokeLauncherMag"};


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