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Love the game but....(Browser version)

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I've given this game about 30-40 attempts now and I have to admit I love to hate it. The challenge is fun but there are some things that are unnecessarily difficult. These comments are for browser mode. It seems the mobile versions are more slick, more options and features and more work is being done on that version which is unfortunate. 


First thing is formatting for a PC. The screen is black on the sides and you have to scroll up and down to see the full game screen. Yes I tried reformatting in the game options. Also most games have an in game option to select full screen but I have to use my browsers view full screen option. The zombies can see and start tracking me before I can even see them on the screen. This only happens when they are above me. Maybe this game is only going to be designed for mobile applications but I would even pay money if it would work properly on a Macbook.


What the heck is going on with the Captcha security check for this forum. I have had to verify 10 times in the time it took to write this so far. Can I personally call a developer and assure them I am a real human?


Other things I find annoying. I will be running beside a wall and when you reach the end you get stuck until you move in the opposite direction of the wall. Same thing with trees, I get stuck on something way too easy. The best way to deal with zombies is run them around something to lose line of sight but when I keep getting stuck on things I now have to run my zombie followers to the next town often just to get them behind some trees or risk getting smacked when I get caught on a pixel. That part is not fun at all. Also if the game intends for you to run the zombies behind something then why does it happen so often that the zombie speeds up to get around something? I will have a comfortable lead on a zombie but then he zips around the trees and now he's hitting me. Again not fun. 


Wow this captcha thing is crazy. Every 2 sentences I have to reconfirm I'm human. I have more to add but I can't do it like this. 


Love the game, please keep working on the browser version. I will pay money! Fix this captcha thing too please or let me call you or something



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Hello Marcus.

First of all, I am very happy you are enjoying Mini DayZ so much!! :) We greatly appreciable your feedback of Mini DayZ. Yes currently all resources are going toward development of the mobile version of the game. This does not mean that the browser version will stay as is, plans are to update it again in the future. If you find bugs within the game, please report them here on our forums, (at the correct location) and/or send an email to support >>support@bistudio.com

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Thank you for the reply. You say I'm posting this in the wrong place. Where is the right place? I see a sub forum of General. I'm not sure how that is supposed to be different than the main forum. I see a pinned post by a user that doesn't appear to be part of the development team (CinnabarDragoon) called "Mini DayZ Bugs/Issues Report". Is that the right place? It seems a large number of posts in the main forum are complaints about bugs. Is everyone doing the wrong thing or is the forum not set up properly? 


I don't like the idea of sending my bug complaints to support@bistudio.com because chances are I'm not the first to complain about it and the developers are already aware of it. I just want to see others complain of the same thing in a place that the develops scan so we all know its an issue. 


I'm sad to hear there is no work being done on the browser version with only a vague hope that an update may or may not come at a later time. 


Thank you for your time and effort in replying to everyones concerns. I would suggest reorganizing the forums somehow so people are less likely to keep posting the same things repeatedly. I would also suggest maybe 2 separate forums or at least a sub forum for the browser version because there are enough differences to make them 2 separate games. Maybe rename one of the games?

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No you did not really post in the wrong place, as this was suggestions as well as bugs. The forums are very much in need of being reorganized, and I am working on this, though it is not as simple as it appears. Currently, due to the fact the forums are VERY unorganized, it would be a much wiser choice to send bugs to support rather than on these forums. It is very complicated and is more work then needed to search through the forums for each of the bugs. It needs to be a universal place to report them. 


There is not a vague hope, at some point in the future development for browser version WILL continue. (Unless plans change.)


Again, yes the forum is in desperate need of reorganization, and it is currently in progress. :) Thank you, for your appreciation of my efforts. I try my best to at least acknowledge everyones concern on the forums. :^^ Even if I can not directly fix the problem, it is always nice to receive a response. 

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