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I bought arma 3 on the wrong steam account like a month ago and ive been getting into it

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I bought arma 3 on the my second steam account is there a way to transfer the ownership to my other steam account just curious.

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No - been down that road - had one steam account didn't use it for years - lost the email account associated with it - opened a new one - finally contacted Steam - regained access to my first account and wanted to combine the assets - they couldn't do that... I think you're stuck with two accounts...


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4 hours ago, scottb613 said:


No - been down that road - had one steam account didn't use it for years - lost the email account associated with it - opened a new one - finally contacted Steam - regained access to my first account and wanted to combine the assets - they couldn't do that... I think you're stuck with two accounts...


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Thanks man, Just annoying I used to play csgo alot and I had a second account and wanted to buy arma forgot I was on my other account and bought it on the wrong one it was a couple months ago but Ive been getting into altis life quite heavily.

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You couldve simply refunded it back then. Why didn't you?

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