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5th Special Forces Group Milsim | Experienced | All Skill Levels Welcome | SFMilSim.US

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.There has always been a romantic fascination with special operations forces (SOF). The idea of secret commandos or Rangers striking from the shadows surprising the enemy

with overwhelming speed, violence of action, and cutting-edge technology appeals to America’s image of highly trained, elite Soldiers. There is, however,
another Soldier who fights from the shadows. This one is perhaps less known and far less understood. His real weapons are a deep understanding of the terrain, the relationships built, and the influence developed to motivate and train others to take
up the fight. These Soldiers are the U.S. Army SF, the “quiet professionals” whom history and popular culture often overlook. The 5th SFG Milsim unit aims to emulate these prestigious

men who put their life on the line every single day for our freedom. We take pride in creating the most authentic milsim experience within the 

ArmAverse and its thousands of mods.


Are You Ready?

We take pride in our "Quality, Not Quantity" Stance that you will find in most milsim units. We look for the loyal members who

want to perfect and advance our unit, not destroy and dismantle it.


Our requirements are simple.


- Be at least 16 years of age

- Be mature

- Must have ArmA 3 Apex

- Must have Teamspeak 3 and working microphone

- Fully commit to 5th SFG Milsim

- Be Active, not a "weekend warrior"

- Last but not least, you must understand that we are essentially "roleplaying", that we are a 

MilSim unit and thus, have rules in place to protect both member and guest alike.

Understand that no matter what rank or position you are given, you must roleplay it as if you were truly

in that environment. If not, this is likely not the place for you!



Positions Open

18X - SF Candidate (Place Me Anywhere)

18D - Medical Sergeant (ACE Advanced Medical)

18E - Communications Sergeant (TFAR Expert)

18C - Engineering Sergeant (Explosives Expert)[LIMITED]

153A - 160th SOAR (Full)


Special Operations Courses

Special Operations Combat Medic

This course is for ALL 18D's who plan to become a medic within their respective ODA.

In this course, students will learn..

-Basic Trauma

-Basic Team Medical


-Mission Critical Medical


Military Free Fall
During the Military Free Fall course, students will learn about the MC-5 RAM parachute, as well as making

multiple jumps during the day, night and with combat loadouts. MFF, which is more commonly known

as HALO/HAHO will send students falling from altitudes above the normal jump altitude. 

Students will learn the different phases of a normal HALO/HAHO jump as well

as different LZ locations. 



CDQC or Combat Diver Qualification Course, sends students on some of the most

brutal training the military has to offer. Similar to BUD/S, students will learn what it means to be on a team,

they will learn the art of amphibious warfare, as well as team building within their ODA.


Contact Us

Website: http://www.sfmilsim.us

Teamspeak: 5th SFG Teamspeak "Click to Connect"









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