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I believe my code is correct, but it isn't working? Storing an object in a variable.

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The syntax for your addXCargo commands was incorrect.


Here is a tweaked copy


"BlackhawkWreck" createVehicle getMarkerPos "heliCrash2";
_heliCrashLoot2 = "DSR_Object_Storage_Large" createVehicle (getMarkerPos "heliCrash2");
"ModuleEffectsSmoke_F" createUnit [getMarkerPos "heliCrash2",(createGroup [sideLogic,false])];
	_heliCrashLoot2 addMagazineCargo _x;
} forEach [
	_heliCrashLoot2 addWeaponCargo _x;
} forEach [


I'm assuming "BlackhawkWreck" is the classname of the wrecked prop/vehicle you are using.

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