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Shadow doesn´t work

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Ok, I have searched the forum, but very less answers and which I have found doesn´t really help.

Is it true that my model need to be lesser then 3oo polygons?

I read that I have to have lesser then 300 polygons: But how can I make this when my model has much more.

How can I make that my model has lesser polys.

Do I have to put it to a 3D-Programm back?

Problem is, that it is quite ready and I can´t get it back to a 3D Programm.

Please can someone tell me step by step how to make my model lesser then 300 polygons, if it has more.

And I have read that I have to write in the Property name "LODNoShadow", but this doesn´t work at all: I made a simple box for example and added a geo-lod, also with a relosution lod of 0.2. Then I added "LODNoShadow" in the Property name of the Res-lod, value 1.

Well, but the shadow doesn´t work in the game.

I thought that this could something to do with the "No" in the "LODNoShadow", so I decided to write "LODShadow" and it works.

Great, but it works only with a simple model.

My model, for which I want a shadow has a res-lod of 0.7 and 2641 points, 2957 faces. So its quite complex and has maybe more then 300 polygons.

But I want to have a working shadow.

It has a geo-lod, a fire lod, a road way, memory lod and I want to make a view geometry lod (do I have to make this view geo convex?).

Please is it possible to add a shadow to such a model and how?  confused.gif

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Except from the 0.7 LOD, you should make a seperate less resolution LOD with no more than 300 Poly's. According to BIS that's the maximum for LOD ability to create shadow.

Now in your high detail LOD property you should write "lodnoshadow" with the value 1. (I've used only small letters for that, dunno know if it's influenced the result??)

With the effect that your high detail LOD would be ignored by the engine for purpose of shadow casting, and instead the next following detail LOD will be used!

The problem in your example may that you only had 1 LOD, and after setting the correct property to it, there wasn't any shadow at all, coz there wasn't anymore extra LOD after it!

You agree??

Well.. If not, here's an older topic explaining it a little more detailed :

LOD No Shadow Explanation

Hope that could help!



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Thank you very much!

This will help! smile.gif


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