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Chopper loading probles

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Hi I'm building a mission where I place a chopper on the ground.

How can I make him stay on the ground until my team and other AI teams get onboard, then proceed with his WP route.

The chopper always takes off before anybody can get inside then lands again to load up the troops. And it doesen't even land on the same place but lands like 100m away from the landing H

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option 1: sync the getIn wp with the load wp of the chopper

option 2: use setfuel 0 in init of helo to pin it to ground

and check with trigger if all are in chopper


player in chopper;

modify this to your needs and put it into condition of trigger.

in OnActivation type:

chopper setfuel 1;

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Provided I am not doing a "hot pickup", I usually give the chopper a getout waypoint, then a short move waypoint, then a get in waypoint. All of these are almost on top of the chopper itself. I sync the move waypoint to the getin of the squad I am loading. Thus, the pilots and crew wait until we are loaded, then they get in and start up then move to their next waypoint. Kinda hokey, but it is very reliable.

Make sure you properly use the assignascargo and unassignvehicle with the units you are loading.

Hope that is helpful.

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Hi I tried Balschoiw technique with a trigger and it worked flawlessly.  

I placed the chopper, gave it a load WP very close to the chopper, almost on top of it.  Then gave it the rest of his waypoins.

Then it set the chopper fuel to 0

placed my unit and gave it their WP and a get-in WP in sync with the load WP of the chopper.

Finnaly to make the trick work I placed a trigger around the chopper with an area of 10x10.  I grouped the trigger to my unit and in ACTIVTION I selected WHOLE GROUP and PRESENT.

Then finally on the ON ACTIVATION field I placed ChopperName SetFuel 1

Now when all of your team is in the small area aroud the chopper It guves the chopper fuel.  If you give the get in command before entering the area The chopper will wait for all the unit to be onboard before taking off.

Thanks again biggrin.gif

If you use Balschoiw tactic do everithing like before execpt dont group the trigger to anybody and put on

CONDITION  SoldierName in ChopperName

You must put one for each team member.  Don't know how to use it with the "group this" command

ON ACTIVATION ChopperName SetFuel 1

Thanks Again

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whenever i have situations where a laod of men start off jumping into a chopper, the chopper waits automaticly.

It does however move its self to a better landing zone if its on ruff terrain!

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