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Cant connect to Servers

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Hello there,


I have some problems playing Argo (Steam version)

first i tried to start the game via. the "Play" button on Steam. When i tried to log in i got this error: "Unable to reach Bohemia-Interactive Servers".


Then i tried to go to the game folder and started the "argo.exe" as the administrator and was able to log in. I searched for a match, connected to the lobby

pressed "I am ready" and aftet the loading screen i got the message:" You were kicked off the game (BattlEye: Game restart required)".


Then i tried to start "argobattleye.exe" as an administrator but got the message "Unable to reach Bohemia-Interactive Servers". again.


I already tried to reinstall BattlEye (by using the 2 .batch files and by deleting the BattlEye folder and then using the "Verify integrity of game files..." option on steam).


Nothing worked and i already searched the internet for hours. Please help

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  On 7/4/2017 at 8:38 PM, PhillUndSo said:

Hello there,


I have some problems playing Argo (Steam version)

first i tried to start the game via. the "Play" button on Steam. When i tried to log in i got this error: "Unable to reach Bohemia-Interactive Servers".


Then i tried to go to the game folder and started the "argo.exe" as the administrator and was able to log in. I searched for a match, connected to the lobby

pressed "I am ready" and aftet the loading screen i got the message:" You were kicked off the game (BattlEye: Game restart required)".


Then i tried to start "argobattleye.exe" as an administrator but got the message "Unable to reach Bohemia-Interactive Servers". again.


I already tried to reinstall BattlEye (by using the 2 .batch files and by deleting the BattlEye folder and then using the "Verify integrity of game files..." option on steam).


Nothing worked and i already searched the internet for hours. Please help

 Try this please: http://steamcommunity.com/app/530700/discussions/0/2592234299549210361/

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The Argo disconnect BattleEye service - game restart error can be fixed like this.


It seems the issue relates to 32 and 64 bit versions of Argo and Arma 3 games and BE service registration.

  • First uninstall BE for Arma3 by going here : C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Arma 3\BattlEye and clicking on Uninstall_BattlEye.bat
  • Once uninstalled go here and do the same for Argo C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Project Argo (Prototype)\BattlEye run Uninstall_BattlEye.bat
  • Now go here C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Project Argo (Prototype) and start Argo with argobattleye.exe - it will install BE and you will then be able to play the game without being kicked out.
  • Exit Argo and go to Steam library - Argo should now work fine via Steam link.
  • You can then start Arma3 and it will install BE service - the problem will then be resolved for both games.
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