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> sh server-1.88a.shar

Operation Flashpoint Resistance dedicated server 1.88a

x - creating lock directory

x - extracting server (binary)

server-1.88a.shar: line 60: uudecode: command not found

restore of server failed

server: MD5 check failed

x - extracting tolower.c (binary)

server-1.88a.shar: line 161596: uudecode: command not found

restore of tolower.c failed

tolower.c: MD5 check failed

Converting OFP directory:

server-1.88a.shar: line 161685: gcc: command not found

server-1.88a.shar: line 161686: ./tolower: No such file or directory

What programs am i missing and where to get them? ive checked rhn but the uudecode aint there. im fairly new to linux so please be gentle smile.gif

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actually it's funny...I am a total newbie to Linux so if any Linux expert stumbles over this answer I claim indemnity. confused.gif  

I had the exact same problem during the setup of my Linux OFP server and if I got it right it simply means you haven't installed the GCC library (C for Linux) including the program uudecode which I guess BIS uses to somehow archive the ofp server files...*cough*...Is this any close to being correct?

Since I am no friend of manuals it took me a while to install gcc...and I am sorry but I forgot how I did it so I can' tell you.

But it works like a charm now :-)

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uudecode is usually part of the 'sharutils' package (shell archive utilities). So, if you are using RedHat or SuSE you should probably get the sharutils.rpm package, or for other distributions, whichever one is similar.


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GCC is the GNU C/c++/etc compiler, which you really should install anyway not just because of the ofp server.

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ok to spare openong a new post i finnally got around to getting server running. now before you yell "SEARCH!!". I have searched server.cfg, linux, server. Yet I cant get the server to see the danged server.cfg file. crazy.gif

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hmmm no one must run a linux server anymore sad.gif

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ok found answers you can close this now

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