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Apex coop missions erratic behavior on dedicated (Linux)

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I was wondering if somebody else is having similar issues with the coop missions like I am or if you can point me in the right direction to fix this...

After restart, i.e. after playing Apex missions for the first time it's the worst, or most erratic.


Here a few of the symptoms:

- When cutscenes are skipped with space, the screen stays all black, respawning in pause menu doesn't do anything. The only way to continue playing is disconnect and reconnect to server

- sometimes cutscenes are interrupted early and the deploy screen appears

- the first mission always starts with black screen, no cutscene shown at all. you can move(can hear yourself move), shoot and open your inventory, but the screen stays black. The only way to play it is to respawn or reconnect. This is independent of how many times it's been played since server restart.

- after all missions have been played, SOMETIMES still blackscreen after cutscenes, curable with reconnect and SOMETIMES respawn.

- when the deploy screen shows, it shows correctly that there are 3 respawn tickets available, but when respawning for the first time, it's set to unlimited and stays that way (this is always like this as far as I can tell)

- using #vote restart doesn't restart the current mission, but start the next one, or finishes the run


This is all on Linux dedicated, not sure if that's part of the issue.

However, I haven't had any issues like this with missions downloaded from the workshop or created by myself.


Here a snapshot of error messages on the server, mind you the error messages don't seem to change when doing starting the missions, while behavior does!

12:37:22 WARNING: Function 'name' - 80178a00# 142825: lamphalogen_f.p3d has no unit
12:37:22  - network id 1:-1288806935
12:37:24 "KILLFEED event handler fired"
12:37:24 "KILLFEED event handler fired"
12:37:24 WARNING: Function 'name' - 80178a00# 142825: lamphalogen_f.p3d has no unit
12:37:24  - network id 1:-1288806935
12:37:24 WARNING: Function 'name' - BIS_player1 has no unit
12:37:24  - network id 2:17753
12:37:24  - person Cap
12:37:24  - dead
12:37:24 WARNING: Function 'name' - BIS_player1 has no unit
12:37:24  - network id 2:17753
12:37:24  - person Cap
12:37:24  - dead
12:37:24 Server: Update of object 2:17753 arrived from nonowner
12:37:24 Server: Update of object 2:17751 arrived from nonowner
12:37:24 Server: Update of object 2:17752 arrived from nonowner
12:37:24 Server: Object 2:18530 not found (message Type_105)
12:37:24 Server: Object 2:18531 not found (message Type_109)
12:37:24 Server: Object 2:18532 not found (message Type_114)
12:37:24 Server: Update of object 2:17751 arrived from nonowner
12:37:24 Server: Update of object 2:17752 arrived from nonowner
12:37:24 Server: Update of object 2:17752 arrived from nonowner
12:37:24 Server: Update of object 2:17753 arrived from nonowner
12:37:24 Server: Update of object 2:17751 arrived from nonowner
12:37:24 Server: Update of object 2:17753 arrived from nonowner
12:37:24 Server: Update of object 2:17753 arrived from nonowner
12:37:24 Server: Update of object 2:17753 arrived from nonowner
12:37:24 Server: Object 2:18532 not found (message Type_115)
12:37:25 Server: Update of object 2:17753 arrived from nonowner
12:37:25 Server: Update of object 2:17751 arrived from nonowner
12:37:25 Server: Update of object 2:17752 arrived from nonowner
12:37:25 Server: Update of object 2:17753 arrived from nonowner
12:37:26 Server: Object 2:18532 not found (message Type_114)
12:37:29 Server: Object 2:18532 not found (message Type_114)
12:37:29 Server: Object 2:18532 not found (message Type_115)
12:37:29 Server: Object 4:211 not found (message Type_93)
12:37:29 Server: Object 4:212 not found (message Type_121)
12:37:29 Server: Update of object 2:17753 arrived from nonowner
12:37:29 WARNING: Function 'name' - BIS_player1 has no unit
12:37:29  - network id 2:17753
12:37:29  - person Cap
12:37:29  - dead
12:37:29 WARNING: Function 'name' - BIS_player1 has no unit
12:37:29  - network id 2:17753
12:37:29  - person Cap
12:37:29  - dead
12:37:29 Server: Update of object 2:17753 arrived from nonowner
12:37:29 Server: Update of object 2:17753 arrived from nonowner
12:37:29 Server: Update of object 2:17753 arrived from nonowner
12:37:29 Server: Update of object 2:17753 arrived from nonowner
12:37:29 Server: Update of object 2:17753 arrived from nonowner
12:37:29 Server: Object 2:18532 not found (message Type_114)
12:37:29 Server: Object 2:18532 not found (message Type_115)
12:37:29 Server: Object 2:18531 not found (message Type_109)
12:37:29 Server: Object 2:18530 not found (message Type_105)
12:37:30 Server: Object 2:18532 not found (message Type_114)
12:37:30 Server: Object 2:18532 not found (message Type_115)
12:37:30 Server: Object 2:17753 not found (message Type_433)
12:37:30 Server: Object 2:17753 not found (message Type_433)
12:37:30 Server: Object 2:18532 not found (message Type_114)
12:37:30 Server: Object 2:17753 not found (message Type_433)
12:37:30 Server: Object 2:17753 not found (message Type_128)
12:37:30 Server: Object 2:17753 not found (message Type_433)
12:37:31 Server: Object 2:18530 not found (message Type_105)
12:37:31 Server: Object 2:17753 not found (message Type_433)
12:37:31 Server: Object 2:17753 not found (message Type_433)
12:37:31 Server: Object 2:17753 not found (message Type_433)
12:37:31 Server: Object 2:17753 not found (message Type_433)
12:37:32 Server: Object 2:17753 not found (message Type_433)
12:37:32 Server: Object 2:17753 not found (message Type_433)
12:37:32 Server: Object 2:17753 not found (message Type_128)
12:37:32 Server: Object 2:17753 not found (message Type_433)
12:37:32 Server: Object 2:17753 not found (message Type_433)
12:37:32 Server: Object 2:17753 not found (message Type_433)
12:37:34 Server: Object 2:18530 not found (message Type_105)
12:37:34 Server: Object 2:18532 not found (message Type_115)
12:37:38 Server: Object 2:18531 not found (message Type_109)
12:37:39 Server: Object 2:18532 not found (message Type_114)
12:37:39 Server: Object 2:18532 not found (message Type_115)
12:37:39 Server: Object 2:17753 not found (message Type_128)
12:37:42 Server: Object 2:17753 not found (message Type_127)
12:37:42 Server: Object 2:17753 not found (message Type_433)
12:37:43 Server: Object 2:18530 not found (message Type_105)
12:37:44 Server: Object 2:18530 not found (message Type_105)
12:37:44 Server: Object 2:18532 not found (message Type_115)
12:37:48 Server: Object 2:18531 not found (message Type_109)
12:37:48 Server: Object 2:18532 not found (message Type_114)
12:37:49 Server: Object 2:18532 not found (message Type_115)
12:37:50 WARNING: Function 'name' - 804ec000# 145873: lamphalogen_f.p3d has no unit
12:37:50  - network id 1:-1316060719
12:37:50 "KILLFEED event handler fired"
12:37:50 Server: Object 2:18532 not found (message Type_114)
12:37:50 Server: Object 2:18532 not found (message Type_115)
12:37:50 "KILLFEED event handler fired"
12:37:50 WARNING: Function 'name' - 804ec000# 145873: lamphalogen_f.p3d has no unit
12:37:50  - network id 1:-1316060719
12:37:50 WARNING: Function 'name' - BIS_player1 has no unit
12:37:50  - network id 4:208
12:37:50  - person Cap
12:37:50  - dead
12:37:50 WARNING: Function 'name' - BIS_player1 has no unit
12:37:50  - network id 4:208
12:37:50  - person Cap
12:37:50  - dead
12:37:50 WARNING: Function 'name' - 9f60c600# 1468463: powerline_01_wire_50m_f.p3d has no unit
12:37:50  - network id 1:-1316059089
12:37:50 WARNING: Function 'name' - 9f60c000# 1468462: powerline_01_wire_50m_f.p3d has no unit
12:37:50  - network id 1:-1316059090
12:37:50 WARNING: Function 'name' - 9f60cc00# 1468466: powerline_01_wire_50m_main_f.p3d has no unit
12:37:50  - network id 1:-1316059086
12:37:50 WARNING: Function 'name' - 9f60c600# 1468463: powerline_01_wire_50m_f.p3d has no unit
12:37:50  - network id 1:-1316059089
12:37:50 WARNING: Function 'name' - 9f60c000# 1468462: powerline_01_wire_50m_f.p3d has no unit
12:37:50  - network id 1:-1316059090
12:37:50 WARNING: Function 'name' - 9f60cc00# 1468466: powerline_01_wire_50m_main_f.p3d has no unit
12:37:50  - network id 1:-1316059086
12:37:51 WARNING: Function 'name' - 804e8a00# 143936: lamphalogen_f.p3d has no unit
12:37:51  - network id 1:-1309773248
12:37:51 WARNING: Function 'name' - 804e8a00# 143936: lamphalogen_f.p3d has no unit
12:37:51  - network id 1:-1309773248
12:37:53 Server: Object 2:18530 not found (message Type_105)
12:37:53 Server: Object 4:222 not found (message Type_93)
12:37:53 Server: Object 4:223 not found (message Type_121)
12:37:54 Server: Object 4:225 not found (message Type_121)
12:37:54 Server: Object 4:226 not found (message Type_121)
12:37:54 Error in expression <cRespawnControlsSpectate_display} else {BIS_RscRespawnControlsMap_display};
12:37:54   Error position: <BIS_RscRespawnControlsMap_display};
12:37:54   Error Undefined variable in expression: bis_rscrespawncontrolsmap_display
12:37:54 File A3\functions_f\respawn\fn_showRespawnMenuInventoryDetails.sqf [BIS_fnc_showRespawnMenuInventoryDetails], line 5
12:37:54 Error in expression <pectate_ctrlDetailsControlsGroup} else {BIS_RscRespawnControlsMap_ctrlDetailsCon>
12:37:54   Error position: <BIS_RscRespawnControlsMap_ctrlDetailsCon>
12:37:54   Error Undefined variable in expression: bis_rscrespawncontrolsmap_ctrldetailscontrolsgroup
12:37:54 File A3\functions_f\respawn\fn_showRespawnMenuInventoryDetails.sqf [BIS_fnc_showRespawnMenuInventoryDetails], line 6
12:37:54 Error in expression <ControlsSpectate_ctrlDetailsList} else {BIS_RscRespawnControlsMap_ctrlDetailsLis>
12:37:54   Error position: <BIS_RscRespawnControlsMap_ctrlDetailsLis>
12:37:54   Error Undefined variable in expression: bis_rscrespawncontrolsmap_ctrldetailslist
12:37:54 File A3\functions_f\respawn\fn_showRespawnMenuInventoryDetails.sqf [BIS_fnc_showRespawnMenuInventoryDetails], line 7
12:37:54 Error in expression <awnControlsSpectate_ctrlRoleList} else {BIS_RscRespawnControlsMap_ctrlRoleList};>
12:37:54   Error position: <BIS_RscRespawnControlsMap_ctrlRoleList};>
12:37:54   Error Undefined variable in expression: bis_rscrespawncontrolsmap_ctrlrolelist
12:37:54 File A3\functions_f\respawn\fn_showRespawnMenuInventoryDetails.sqf [BIS_fnc_showRespawnMenuInventoryDetails], line 8
12:37:54 Error in expression <ontrolsSpectate_ctrlComboLoadout} else {BIS_RscRespawnControlsMap_ctrlComboLoado>
12:37:54   Error position: <BIS_RscRespawnControlsMap_ctrlComboLoado>
12:37:54   Error Undefined variable in expression: bis_rscrespawncontrolsmap_ctrlcomboloadout
12:37:54 File A3\functions_f\respawn\fn_showRespawnMenuInventoryDetails.sqf [BIS_fnc_showRespawnMenuInventoryDetails], line 9
12:37:54 Error in expression <er",time]
case "remove":
_display displayRemoveEventHandler ["mou>
12:37:54   Error position: <_display displayRemoveEventHandler ["mou>
12:37:54   Error Undefined variable in expression: _display
12:37:54 File A3\functions_f\respawn\fn_showRespawnMenuInventoryDetails.sqf [BIS_fnc_showRespawnMenuInventoryDetails], line 54
12:37:54 Error in expression <ols_details = true;
case "close": {
_detailsList ctrlSetStructuredText parse>
12:37:54   Error position: <_detailsList ctrlSetStructuredText parse>
12:37:54   Error Undefined variable in expression: _detailslist
12:37:54 File A3\functions_f\respawn\fn_showRespawnMenuInventoryDetails.sqf [BIS_fnc_showRespawnMenuInventoryDetails], line 241
12:37:54 Server: Object 2:18532 not found (message Type_114)
12:37:54 Server: Object 2:18532 not found (message Type_115)
12:37:54 Server: Object 2:18531 not found (message Type_109)
12:37:54 Server: Object 2:18530 not found (message Type_105)
12:37:54 Server: Object 2:18532 not found (message Type_114)
12:37:54 Server: Object 2:18532 not found (message Type_115)
12:37:54 Server: Object 2:18532 not found (message Type_114)
12:37:58 Server: Object 2:18532 not found (message Type_115)
12:37:59 Server: Object 2:17753 not found (message Type_128)
12:38:00 Server: Object 2:17753 not found (message Type_161)


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