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Ice Rhino

Annoying tigger problem

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I have a trigger that is way south of malden which comprises of West Present activation, hint debug message " Trigger fired"

Why does it insist on firing when I am very north of Malden and there are no West Soldiers anywhere near the trigger?

The only possible cause is the fact that for test purposes I created the trigger near my northern location to test and even though I have moved it, saved, reloaded, it still insists on firing at its old location


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Try deleting it all together and creating a new one in the south. If that doesn't fix it, you know that moving it didn't cause the problem.

Other than that, all I can suggest (sorry) is checking there are NO western units straying into the trigger, and that it is set to West - Present, and not to West - Not present or such.

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Woo hoo hoo hoo! Helloooo Tiggers!...

...heh sorry. I find 'Tigger' and 'Triggers' annoying too...

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