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Trigger Attributes

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Hi, I have been searching and haven't been able to find what I'm looking for. Maybe my search query isn't correct. Either way I can't seem to find the answer. So I am hoping someone here may or may not be able to tell me if it is possible or not.


Question: Is it possible to change attributes via a trigger or the likes?


For example: At the beginning of a scenario Independent  Faction is Enemy to your Unit (Blue). As you progress through and achieve a certain Objective it triggers the Attribute and Independent Faction becomes an Ally. Also similar is there a way to have CSAT (Red) start Non Aggressive towards your Unit (Blue), then again as Mission progresses have a Trigger to have them return to their Normal state of Hate towards your Unit (Blue).


Basically the scenario is Your Team (Blue) is asked to meet with a Contact  (Red) whom hire your team to hunt down certain Targets (Green). However once you get to a certain point, Capture Target (Green). Green becomes your Ally, and the Mission Giver (Red) becomes the enemy.


Any advice appreciated.

Thanks in Advance.

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