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Hello , what is the correct addaction for adding  groupname in AI script.I have placed a AI group of units named as "GrpOne" not under player as leader.

Then in player radio trigger -  null = [player,grpone] execVM "script.sqf";



_unit= _this select 0;\\player

_grp = _this select 1;\\AI group

sleep 1;

act1 = _unit addaction ["orderAI", "AIscript.sqf"] ;\\ player addaction.


How should i add groupname "grpone" in  AIscript.sqf  so that grpone can use script.commands such as "grpone move getpos _pos;".

Edited by battleship

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What are you trying to do?

Maybe trying to make GroupOne to move?. How did you create the group? . Via script or Trigger?:



GroupOne = CreateGroup west;
lead1 = GroupOne createUnit ["US_Soldier_TL_EP1", getpos player, [], 2 "NONE"];
sold2 = GroupOne createUnit ["US_Soldier_AR_EP1", getpos player, [], 2 "FORM"];
sold3 = GroupOne createUnit ["US_Soldier_AR_EP1", getpos player, [], 2 "FORM"];
sold4 = GroupOne createUnit ["US_Soldier_AR_EP1", getpos player, [], 2, "FORM"];

lead1 = leader GroupOne;
lead1 setRank "Sargeant";
lead1 setSkill 1; // smart guy

GroupOne setformation "Column";

And now what else you want?. To order them to move some point?.

Just use your:

act1 = PLAYER addaction ["orderToMoveAI", "AIscript.sqf"] ;  \\ player addaction.


Then AIscript:

_end = false; // Variable
// Action
moving = {
_pos = [_this select 0, _this select 1,_this select 2];
point1 = GroupOne addwaypoint [position [_pos select 0, _pos select 1, 0], 0]]; // the previous mark on map
point1 setwaypointtype "Move";
	openMap [false, false];
	TitleText [ format["GroupOne is moving to position."], "PLAIN DOWN"];
	_end = true;

// Choosing where to move
TitleText "Click on the map to set where you want GroupOne to move.";
if(!(visibleMap)) then
openMap [true, false];

onMapSingleClick '[_pos select 0, _pos select 1, _pos select 2] call moving';
waitUntil {_end || !(visibleMap)};
onMapSingleClick "";

GroupOne should be moving to the selected waypoint.



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Will this script work for non-spawned multiple infantry groups as well which are already placed on map and named as grpone, grptwo etc.? Like using multiple radio triggers for each group with player addaction as above.

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It should work aswell.

The radio Trigger manages this action: " null = [grpOne] execVM "script.sqf"; " in On Act. So try to add more radio triggers for every group:

"null = [grpTwo] execVM "script.sqf";"


Then script.sqf:

_group = _this select 0;
player addAction ["orderToMoveAI", "AIscript.sqf", _group];

And then AIscript.sqf:


_grp = _this select 3; // Group

_end = false; // Variable
// Action
moving = {
_pos = [_this select 0, _this select 1,_this select 2];
_gridpos = mapgridposition _pos;
point1 = _grp addwaypoint [position [_pos select 0, _pos select 1, 0], 0]]; // the previous mark on map
point1 setwaypointtype "Move";
	openMap [false, false];
	TitleText format ["The Group is moving to grid:  %1.", _gridpos];
	_end = true;

// Choosing where to move
TitleText "Click on the map to set where you want the group to move.";
if(!(visibleMap)) then
openMap [true, false];

onMapSingleClick '[_pos select 0, _pos select 1, _pos select 2] call moving';
waitUntil {_end || !(visibleMap)};
onMapSingleClick "";


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This page on the wiki explains the addAction command and its optional arguments that can be used.  First two arguments are required (title, script name), the others are optional.  Variables passed into the addaction come third in the array.

act1 = _this addAction ["Title", "script.sqf", [grpOne]];

Or a single variable can be passed without an array.

act1 = _this addAction ["Title", "script.sqf", grpOne];

But note that within the action script that is being run, the passed param(s) would be _this select 3.


In an action script:

_object_with_addAction = _this select 0;
_calling_Player = _this select 1;
_action_ID_Number = _this select 2;
_params_passed_in = _this select 3;

For a single variable it would be "_grp = _this select 3;".

To select the first argument from a passed array, it would be "_grp = (_this select 3) select 0;".

Or by defining, it would be " _params = _this select 3;   _grp = _params select 0;".


And if the action is only supposed to appear when a certain condition is being met, condition comes eighth in the array.  The defaults can be used to make up the other arguments.  But the condition itself has to be made a string.

act1 = _this addAction ["Title", "script.sqf", [grpOne], 1.5, true, true, "", "({alive _x} count (units grpOne)) > 0"];


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