7Y-Loki 10 Posted June 6, 2017 (edited) Good afternoon! I have been having quite a few issues with my custom tank's physX. I'm really not sure how to describe it, so here's two videos so you can see what it does. At first the wheels would sink into the ground, then they were all above ground but the tank seemed to be floating over the wheels, which were stuck to the ground (so it was functional, but tank was on sort of invisible stretchers to the wheels) speed has never gone over 14km/h. Tank1 EDIT: Forgot to mention, if I come out of the tank, it starts sliding sideways, as shown in the next video: Tank2 So there are 13 wheels on each side, but PhysX only supports 10 per side. So from wheels 3 to 11, they are touching ground. Those are the specified in the config "wheels" physX part with their podkolo PLUS the rear wheels, as said in samples "must be present anyway" Tweaking around the sprungmass, springstrengh..etc I found out I had wrong values. Now that they are supposedly correct, the tank just bobs from one side to the other... and when you accelerate, the nose pulls down and bottom pulls up, rather like it would do while BREAKING..? While on the other hand, the nose pulls up and bottom down when breaking... weird. Anyway, here are some screens of the model LODs, and wheel-relevant config info / model.cfg Resolution LOD memory LOD LandContact LOD Geometry LOD GeomPhysX LOD Config: simulation = "tankX"; maxSpeed=24; normalSpeedForwardCoef = 0.4; changeGearMinEffectivity[] = {0.5,0.15,0.95,0.95,0.95,0.95,0.95,0.95,0.95,0.95,0.95,0.95,0.9,0.9,0.9,0.9,0.9}; torqueCurve[] = {{"(0/0)"},{"(0.14/0.58)"},{"(0.29/0.81)"},{"(0.43/0.94)"},{"(0.57/1)"},{"(0.71/0.98)"},{"(0.86/0.87)"},{"(1/0.03)"}}; thrustDelay = 1; /// how much time does it take to get the full thrust (default 1), used to reduce initial wheel slipping clutchStrength = 180.0; fuelCapacity = 1885; brakeIdleSpeed = 1; /// speed in m/s below which braking is applied latency = 0.1; tankTurnForce = 458700; /// Random magic number, expected to be something like 11 x mass of vehicle /// Gearbox and transmission idleRpm = 700; // RPM at which the engine idles. redRpm = 2640; // RPM at which the engine redlines. engineLosses = 25; // power losses on the engine's crank-shaft (before the gearbox) in Nm. (Multiplied by the gear ratio) transmissionLosses = 15; // power losses on wheel axis (in/after the gearbox) in Nm. (Constant) class complexGearbox { driveString = "D"; gearBoxMode = "auto"; GearboxRatios[] = {"R2",-3,"N",0,"D1",2,"D2",1.2,"D3",0.8,"D4",0.6,"D5",0.5}; moveOffGear = 1; neutralString = "N"; reverseString = "R"; transmissionDelay = 0.1; TransmissionRatios[] = {"High",12}; }; numberPhysicalWheels = 20; class Wheels ///MAX of 10 PHYSX wheels per side! or crash! { class L1 { boneName = "wheel_podkoloL1"; center = "wheel_1_3_axis"; boundary = "wheel_1_3_bound"; damping = 75; steering = 0; side = "left"; mass = 150; //peso en kg de la rueda weight = 150; maxBrakeTorque = 40000; //2000 latStiffX = 25; latStiffY = 280; longitudinalStiffnessPerUnitGravity = 100000; sprungMass = 2320; springStrength = 58000; springDamperRate = 9281; dampingRate = 1; dampingRateInAir = 8830; dampingRateDamaged = 10; dampingRateDestroyed = 10000; MOI = 25; maxDroop = 0.18; maxCompression = 0.18; frictionVsSlipGraph[] = {{0,5},{0.5,5},{1,5}}; }; class L3: L1 { boneName = "wheel_podkoloL2"; center = "wheel_1_4_axis"; boundary = "wheel_1_4_bound"; }; class L4: L1 { boneName = "wheel_podkoloL3"; center = "wheel_1_5_axis"; boundary = "wheel_1_5_bound"; }; class L5: L1 { boneName = "wheel_podkoloL4"; center = "wheel_1_6_axis"; boundary = "wheel_1_6_bound"; }; class L6: L1 { boneName = "wheel_podkoloL5"; center = "wheel_1_7_axis"; boundary = "wheel_1_7_bound"; }; class L7: L1 { boneName = "wheel_podkoloL6"; center = "wheel_1_8_axis"; boundary = "wheel_1_8_bound"; }; class L8: L1 { boneName = "wheel_podkoloL7"; center = "wheel_1_9_axis"; boundary = "wheel_1_9_bound"; }; class L9: L1 { boneName = "wheel_podkoloL8"; center = "wheel_1_10_axis"; boundary = "wheel_1_10_bound"; }; class L10: L1 { boneName = "wheel_podkoloL9"; center = "wheel_1_11_axis"; boundary = "wheel_1_11_bound"; }; // rear left wheel, usually Idler or Drive Sproket // Note, this wheel may not always be touching the ground, but we need it anyway! class L2: L1 //kolP2 { boneName = ""; center = "wheel_1_12_axis"; boundary = "wheel_1_12_bound"; maxDroop = 0; maxCompression = 0; }; ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// class R1: L1 { boneName = "wheel_podkoloP1"; center = "wheel_2_3_axis"; boundary = "wheel_2_3_bound"; side = "right"; }; class R3: R1 { boneName = "wheel_podkoloP2"; center = "wheel_2_4_axis"; boundary = "wheel_2_4_bound"; }; class R4: R1 { boneName = "wheel_podkoloP3"; center = "wheel_2_5_axis"; boundary = "wheel_2_5_bound"; }; class R5: R1 { boneName = "wheel_podkoloP4"; center = "wheel_2_6_axis"; boundary = "wheel_2_6_bound"; }; class R6: R1 { boneName = "wheel_podkoloP5"; center = "wheel_2_7_axis"; boundary = "wheel_2_7_bound"; }; class R7: R1 { boneName = "wheel_podkoloP6"; center = "wheel_2_8_axis"; boundary = "wheel_2_8_bound"; }; class R8: R1 { boneName = "wheel_podkoloP7"; center = "wheel_2_9_axis"; boundary = "wheel_2_9_bound"; }; class R9: R1 { boneName = "wheel_podkoloP8"; center = "wheel_2_10_axis"; boundary = "wheel_2_10_bound"; }; class R10: R1 { boneName = "wheel_podkoloP9"; center = "wheel_2_11_axis"; boundary = "wheel_2_11_bound"; }; // rear right wheel, usually Idler or Drive Sproket // Note, this wheel may not always be touching the ground, but we need it anyway! class R2: L2 { boneName = ""; center = "wheel_2_12_axis"; boundary = "wheel_2_12_bound"; side = "right"; maxDroop = 0; maxCompression = 0; }; }; selectionLeftOffset = "PasOffsetL"; selectionRightOffset = "PasOffsetP"; memoryPointTrack1L = "Stopa LL"; memoryPointTrack1R = "Stopa LR"; memoryPointTrack2L = "Stopa RL"; memoryPointTrack2R = "Stopa RR"; steerAheadSimul = 0.5; steerAheadPlan = 0.35; predictTurnPlan = 2.8; predictTurnSimul = 2.6; brakeDistance = 15; precision = 5; wheelCircumference = 0.4; tracksSpeed = 1; And the model.cfg wheel relation: #define ADD_COMPONENT(component) \ class Add##component \ { \ selection = z_##component; \ source = Add##component; \ type = hide; \ sourceAddress = mirror; \ minValue = -1; \ maxValue = 0; \ hideValue = 0.5; \ }; class Rotation { type = "rotation"; memory = 1; minValue = 0; maxValue = 1; angle0 = 0; angle1 = 1; }; class CfgSkeletons { class Default { isDiscrete = 1; skeletonInherit = ""; skeletonBones[] = {}; }; class Vehicle: Default {}; class TankBase: Vehicle {}; class 7Y_churchill_01_skeleton: TankBase { skeletonInherit = "TankBase"; skeletonBones[] = { "wheel_1_1","", "wheel_1_2","", "wheel_1_12","", "wheel_1_13","", "wheel_2_1","", "wheel_2_2","", "wheel_2_12","", "wheel_2_13","", "podkoloL1","", "podkoloL2","", "podkoloL3","", "podkoloL4","", "podkoloL5","", "podkoloL6","", "podkoloL7","", "podkoloL8","", "podkoloL9","", "podkoloP1","", "podkoloP2","", "podkoloP3","", "podkoloP4","", "podkoloP5","", "podkoloP6","", "podkoloP7","", "podkoloP8","", "podkoloP9","", "wheel_1_3","podkoloL1", "wheel_1_4","podkoloL2", "wheel_1_5","podkoloL3", "wheel_1_6","podkoloL4", "wheel_1_7","podkoloL5", "wheel_1_8","podkoloL6", "wheel_1_9","podkoloL7", "wheel_1_10","podkoloL8", "wheel_1_11","podkoloL9", "wheel_2_3","podkoloP1", "wheel_2_4","podkoloP2", "wheel_2_5","podkoloP3", "wheel_2_6","podkoloP4", "wheel_2_7","podkoloP5", "wheel_2_8","podkoloP6", "wheel_2_9","podkoloP7", "wheel_2_10","podkoloP8", "wheel_2_11","podkoloP9", "damageHide","", "podkoloL1_hide","podkoloL1", "podkoloL2_hide","podkoloL2", "podkoloL3_hide","podkoloL3", "podkoloL4_hide","podkoloL4", "podkoloL5_hide","podkoloL5", "podkoloL6_hide","podkoloL6", "podkoloL7_hide","podkoloL7", "podkoloL8_hide","podkoloL8", "podkoloL9_hide","podkoloL9", "podkoloP1_hide","podkoloP1", "podkoloP2_hide","podkoloP2", "podkoloP3_hide","podkoloP3", "podkoloP4_hide","podkoloP4", "podkoloP5_hide","podkoloP5", "podkoloP6_hide","podkoloP6", "podkoloP7_hide","podkoloP7", "podkoloP8_hide","podkoloP8", "podkoloP9_hide","podkoloP9", "main_trav","", "commander_turret","main_trav", "main_elev","main_trav", "cannonMG","main_elev", "zasleh","main_elev", "recoilHlaven", "main_elev", "gunnerview","main_elev", "zasleh2","main_elev", /* "OtocVelitele","", "OtocHlavenVelitele","OtocVelitele", */ "loader_trav","", "loader_elev","loader_trav", "loaderview","loader_elev", "zasleh3","loader_elev", "hatch_driver_A","", "hatch_driver_B","", "hatch_loader_A","", "hatch_loader_B","", "hatch_commander_A","main_trav", "hatch_commander_B","main_trav", "hatch_gunner_A","main_trav", "hatch_gunner_B","main_trav", "damageVez","main_trav" }; }; }; class CfgModels { class Default { sectionsInherit = ""; sections[] = {}; skeletonName = ""; }; class Vehicle: Default {}; class Tank : Vehicle {}; class 7Y_churchill: Tank { htMin = 60; // Minimum half-cooling time (in seconds) htMax = 1800; // Maximum half-cooling time (in seconds) afMax = 200; // Maximum temperature in case the model is alive (in celsius) mfMax = 100; // Maximum temperature when the model is moving (in celsius) // mFact & tBody used to simulate main gun heat mFact = 1; // Metabolism factor - number from interval <0, 1> (0 - metabolism has no influence, 1 - metabolism has full influence (no other temperature source will be considered)). tBody = 250; // Metabolism temperature of the model (in celsius) skeletonName = "7Y_churchill_01_skeleton"; sections[] = { "PasOffsetP", "PasOffsetL", "pas_L", "pas_P", "motor", "vez", "zbran", "clan", "clan_sign", "Light_L", "Light_R", "zbytek", "Camo1", "zasleh2", "zasleh3", "zasleh", "main_elev", "main_trav", "loader_elev", "loader_trav" }; class Animations { class damageHide { type="hide"; source="damage"; selection="damageHide"; }; //////////////NOT TOUCHING GROUND LEFT/////////////// class Wheel_kolL1 { type="rotationX"; source="wheelL"; selection="wheel_1_1"; axis=""; memory="false"; animPeriod=0; minvalue=0.5; maxvalue = 1.0; angle0=0; angle1="rad -360"; sourceAddress="loop"; }; class Wheel_kolL2: Wheel_kolL1 { selection="wheel_1_2"; }; class Wheel_kolL3: Wheel_kolL1 { selection="wheel_1_12"; }; class Wheel_kolL4: Wheel_kolL1 { selection="wheel_1_13"; }; //////////////NOT TOUCHING GROUND RIGHT/////////////// class Wheel_kolP1: Wheel_kolL1 { source="wheelR"; selection="wheel_2_1"; }; class Wheel_kolP2: Wheel_kolP1 { selection="wheel_2_1"; }; class Wheel_kolP3: Wheel_kolP1 { selection="wheel_2_2"; }; class Wheel_kolP4: Wheel_kolP1 { selection="wheel_2_12"; }; class Wheel_kolP5: Wheel_kolP1 { selection="wheel_2_13"; }; ///////////////////WHEELS LEFT/////////////////////// class Wheel_koloL1: Wheel_kolL1 { selection="wheel_1_3"; }; class Wheel_koloL2: Wheel_koloL1 { selection="wheel_1_4"; }; class Wheel_koloL3: Wheel_koloL1 { selection="wheel_1_5"; }; class Wheel_koloL4: Wheel_koloL1 { selection="wheel_1_6"; }; class Wheel_koloL5: Wheel_koloL1 { selection="wheel_1_7"; }; class Wheel_koloL6: Wheel_koloL1 { selection="wheel_1_8"; }; class Wheel_koloL7: Wheel_koloL1 { selection="wheel_1_9"; }; class Wheel_koloL8: Wheel_koloL1 { selection="wheel_1_10"; }; class Wheel_koloL9: Wheel_koloL1 { selection="wheel_1_11"; }; ///////////////////WHEELS RIGHT/////////////////////// class Wheel_koloP1: Wheel_koloL1 { source="wheelR"; selection="wheel_2_3"; }; class Wheel_koloP2: Wheel_koloP1 { selection="wheel_2_4"; }; class Wheel_koloP3: Wheel_koloP1 { selection="wheel_2_5"; }; class Wheel_koloP4: Wheel_koloP1 { selection="wheel_2_6"; }; class Wheel_koloP5: Wheel_koloP1 { selection="wheel_2_7"; }; class Wheel_koloP6: Wheel_koloP1 { selection="wheel_2_8"; }; class Wheel_koloP7: Wheel_koloP1 { selection="wheel_2_9"; }; class Wheel_koloP8: Wheel_koloP1 { selection="wheel_2_10"; }; class Wheel_koloP9: Wheel_koloP1 { selection="wheel_2_11"; }; ///////////////////SUSPENSION LEFT///////////////////////// class Wheel_podkoloL1 { type="translation"; source="damper"; selection="podkoloL1"; axis="Basic_Damper_Destruct_Axis"; memory="true"; animPeriod=0; minValue="0"; maxValue="1"; offset0= "-0.18"; offset1= "0.18"; }; class Wheel_podkoloL2: Wheel_podkoloL1 { selection="podkoloL2"; }; class Wheel_podkoloL3: Wheel_podkoloL1 { selection="podkoloL3"; }; class Wheel_podkoloL4: Wheel_podkoloL1 { selection="podkoloL4"; }; class Wheel_podkoloL5: Wheel_podkoloL1 { selection="podkoloL5"; }; class Wheel_podkoloL6: Wheel_podkoloL1 { selection="podkoloL6"; }; class Wheel_podkoloL7: Wheel_podkoloL1 { selection="podkoloL7"; }; class Wheel_podkoloL8: Wheel_podkoloL1 { selection="podkoloL8"; }; class Wheel_podkoloL9: Wheel_podkoloL1 { selection="podkoloL9"; }; ///////////////////SUSPENSION RIGHT///////////////////////// class Wheel_podkoloP1: Wheel_podkoloL1 { selection="podkoloP1"; }; class Wheel_podkoloP2: Wheel_podkoloP1 { selection="podkoloP2"; }; class Wheel_podkoloP3: Wheel_podkoloP1 { selection="podkoloP3"; }; class Wheel_podkoloP4: Wheel_podkoloP1 { selection="podkoloP4"; }; class Wheel_podkoloP5: Wheel_podkoloP1 { selection="podkoloP5"; }; class Wheel_podkoloP6: Wheel_podkoloP1 { selection="podkoloP6"; }; class Wheel_podkoloP7: Wheel_podkoloL1 { selection="podkoloP7"; }; class Wheel_podkoloP8: Wheel_podkoloL1 { selection="podkoloP8"; }; class Wheel_podkoloP9: Wheel_podkoloL1 { selection="podkoloP9"; }; ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// class podkoloL1_hide_damage: damageHide { selection="podkoloL1_hide"; }; class podkoloL2_hide_damage: damageHide { selection="podkoloL2_hide"; }; class podkoloL3_hide_damage: damageHide { selection="podkoloL3_hide"; }; class podkoloL4_hide_damage: damageHide { selection="podkoloL4_hide"; }; class podkoloL5_hide_damage: damageHide { selection="podkoloL5_hide"; }; class podkoloL6_hide_damage: damageHide { selection="podkoloL6_hide"; }; class podkoloL7_hide_damage: damageHide { selection="podkoloL7_hide"; }; class podkoloL8_hide_damage: damageHide { selection="podkoloL8_hide"; }; class podkoloL9_hide_damage: damageHide { selection="podkoloL9_hide"; }; ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// class podkoloP1_hide_damage: damageHide { selection="podkoloP1_hide"; }; class podkoloP2_hide_damage: damageHide { selection="podkoloP2_hide"; }; class podkoloP3_hide_damage: damageHide { selection="podkoloP3_hide"; }; class podkoloP4_hide_damage: damageHide { selection="podkoloP4_hide"; }; class podkoloP5_hide_damage: damageHide { selection="podkoloP5_hide"; }; class podkoloP6_hide_damage: damageHide { selection="podkoloP6_hide"; }; class podkoloP7_hide_damage: damageHide { selection="podkoloP7_hide"; }; class podkoloP8_hide_damage: damageHide { selection="podkoloP8_hide"; }; class podkoloP9_hide_damage: damageHide { selection="podkoloP9_hide"; }; ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Thanks for your time! Loki. Edited June 6, 2017 by 7Y-Loki missing info Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Whitefame 17 Posted June 7, 2017 The problem with tanks only going max 14km/h is often because the wheels are in different sizes in the memory lod, so try to make sure that the wheel_axis and wheel_bound are the same distance from each other on every wheel. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
7Y-Loki 10 Posted June 7, 2017 3 hours ago, Whitefame said: The problem with tanks only going max 14km/h is often because the wheels are in different sizes in the memory lod, so try to make sure that the wheel_axis and wheel_bound are the same distance from each other on every wheel. Thanks for your answer! That includes front/rear sprokets? Even wheels not touching ground? (Different sized wheels) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Whitefame 17 Posted June 7, 2017 38 minutes ago, 7Y-Loki said: Thanks for your answer! That includes front/rear sprokets? Even wheels not touching ground? (Different sized wheels) Yeah all wheels that uses physX so front/rear sprockets included, the visual model can be bigger/smaller thou. 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
7Y-Loki 10 Posted June 7, 2017 Will try this, thanks! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites