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Hi everyone !  Few days ago i've come accros a little problem while editing a mission, respawn are working if I host the mission on my pc, but if i upload this missions on my server and try it, respawn are not working anymore, i've tried one or two thing, but nothing seems to work.


More info : I'm using eden editor, i put a respawn marker via the F5 menu," mupltiplayer > respawn position " when this is done, i go the Attributes section on the top left then multiplayer, and i set up everything ( custom respawn position, the revive thingy ). 


I Should add that i'm new the editor things, i know the basics thats all. 

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You stated that you're new to this, so I'm hoping that my help isn't considered too basic...

I haven't used the "(F5)System - Multiplayer - Respawn Position" method yet, so I can't give info on how its used.

I use the "(F6)Markers - Respawn - Respawn" method.

Just be sure to name the Marker. It MUST be named using the syntax = "respawn_(faction)". The "faction", is the side to whom the respawn is available.


   respawn_west      or      respawn_east

You can also place multiple respawn positions by adding something following the faction...like this;

   respawn_west_1      or      respawn_west_kaminobase      or      respawn_west_kaminobasesouth


The factions used are west = NATO and east = CSAT.

It also works with the other factions, but I'm unsure about the acronym used. It's something like guer = IND and civ = CIV, but like I said...not sure and guessing doesn't help.

Good luck.

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